Excel Columns

February 4, 2011

The columns in an Excel spreadsheet are “numbered” A through IV, where A corresponds to 1, Z corresponds to 26, AA corresponds to 27, and IV corresponds to 256.

Your task is to write functions that translate back and forth between the two representations. When you are finished, you are welcome to read or run a suggested solution, or to post your own solution or discuss the exercise in the comments below.

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13 Responses to “Excel Columns”

  1. […] Praxis – Excel Columns By Remco Niemeijer In today’s Programming Praxis exercise our task is to write two functions to convert numbers to and from […]

  2. My Haskell solution (see http://bonsaicode.wordpress.com/2011/02/04/programming-praxis-excel-columns/ for a version with comments):

    import Data.Char
    toExcel :: Int -> String
    toExcel 0 = ""
    toExcel n = toExcel d ++ [chr $ m + 65] where (d,m) = divMod (n - 1) 26
    fromExcel :: String -> Int
    fromExcel = foldl (\a x -> 26 * a + ord x - 64) 0
  3. Bogdan Popa said

    A Python 3 solution:

    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    def to_column(n):
        """Turns a number into an Excel column ID.
        >>> to_column(0)
        >>> to_column(1)
        >>> to_column(26)
        >>> to_column(27)
        >>> to_column(256)
        s = ""
        while n != 0:
            s += chr((n - 1) % 26 + 65)
            n //= 27
        return s[::-1]
    def from_column(s):
        """Turns an Excel column ID into a number.
        >>> from_column("A")
        >>> from_column("AA")
        >>> from_column("iv")
        p, r, s = 0, 0, s[::-1].upper()
        for c in s:
            r += (26 ** p) * (ord(c) - 64)
            p += 1
        return r
  4. Graham said

    Bogdan Popa: your to_column may not be quite right. It returns 'AA'
    for both 27 and 53.

  5. Graham said

    My Python solution.
    I made two versions of each, trying to practice a more functional style. I’m
    indebted to Remco’s work for noticing that finding the correct digits is
    divmod in disguise.

  6. slabounty said

    A ruby version (mostly stolen from Graham’s Python version)

    def column(excel) # A=> 1, AA=>27, IV=>256
        c = 0
        excel.each_byte do |byte|
            c = 26 * c + ((byte.to_i)-64)
    def excel(col) # 1=>A 27=>AA 256=>IV
        e = ""
        while col > 0
            col -= 1
            r = col % 26
            col /= 26
            e << (r+65).chr
    puts "A = #{column("A")}"
    puts "AA = #{column("AA")}"
    puts "IV = #{column("IV")}"
    puts "1 = #{excel(1)}"
    puts "27 = #{excel(27)}"
    puts "256 = #{excel(256)}"
  7. Yuushi said

    Python Solution:

    def decimalValueR(column):
    if len(column) == 1:
    return ord(column.upper()) – ord(‘A’) + 1
    return (ord(column[0].upper()) – ord(‘A’) + 1)*26 + decimalValueR(column[1:])

    def columnValueR(decimal):
    if decimal <= 26:
    return chr(decimal+64)
    elif decimal%26 == 0:
    return chr(decimal/26 + 63) + 'Z'
    return chr((decimal/26)+64) + columnValueR(decimal%26)

  8. Yuushi said

    2nd Python Solution, since I forgot the code tags…oops.

    def decimalValueR(column):
        if len(column) == 1:
            return ord(column.upper()) - ord('A') + 1
        return (ord(column[0].upper()) - ord('A') + 1)*26 + decimalValueR(column[1:])
    def columnValueR(decimal):
        if decimal <= 26:
            return chr(decimal+64)
        elif decimal%26 == 0:
            return chr(decimal/26 + 63) + 'Z'
        return chr((decimal/26)+64) + columnValueR(decimal%26)
  9. Axio said

    ;; Should be OK.

    (define (unit:excel->int e)
    (- (char->integer e) 64))
    (define (unit:int->excel e)
    (integer->char (+ (floor e) 64)))

    (define (excel->int e)
    (if (and (string->number e)
    (< (string->number e) 27))
    (string->number e)
    (let ((high (string-ref e 0))
    (low (string-ref e 1)))
    (+ (* 26 (unit:excel->int high))
    (unit:excel->int low)))))

    (define (int->excel i)
    (if (<= i 26)
    (number->string i)
    (let ((s (make-string 2)))
    (string-set! s 0 (unit:int->excel (/ i 26)))
    (string-set! s 1 (unit:int->excel (modulo i 26)))

    (define (test)
    (let loop ((i 1))
    (if (>= i 256)
    (= i (excel->int (int->excel i)))
    (loop (+ i 1))))))

  10. novatech said

    ruby 1.9.2 :)

    def to_column(excel)
        eval excel.reverse.each_byte.with_index.map { |i,x| (i-64)*26**x }.join('+')
    def to_excel(num)
        while (num > 0)
              e << (num-(num=num/26)*26+64).chr
  11. Lautaro Pecile said
    import string
    nletters = len(string.uppercase) 
    def to_excel(n):    
        s = ''
        while True:
            n, i = divmod(n, nletters)
            s += string.uppercase[i]
            if not n: break
        return s
    index = dict(zip(string.uppercase, [x + 1 for x in xrange(nletters)]))
    def from_excel(s):
        s = string.upper(s)
        n = reduce(lambda n, c: nletters * n + index[c], s, 0)
        return n
  12. Jebb said

    Converting “AA” style indices to integers:

    int XLnumber(char *colIndex)
    	return XLnumber_helper(colIndex, 0);
    int XLnumber_helper(char *colIndex, int sum)
    	if (*colIndex == '\0')
    		return sum;
    		return XLnumber_helper(colIndex + 1, 26 * sum + *colIndex - 'A' + 1);

    …and the other way around, using a bit of glib magic instead of implementing my own LIFO data structure:

    #include <glib.h>
    void XLletters(int numIndex, GString *letters)
    /* letters initialised as a null-terminated empty string prior to passing to this function
     * like this for example:
     *      letters = g_string_new("")
     * Remember to free both the GString and GString->str, or call 
     *      g_string_free(GString *, TRUE)
     * from the calling function after returning */
    	int d, m;
    	gchar c;
    	d = numIndex / 26;
    	m = numIndex % 26;
    	c = 'A' + m - 1;
    	letters = g_string_prepend_c(letters, c);
    	if (d > 0)
    		XLletters(d, letters);
  13. Rainer said

    A possible solution in REXX

    b = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'                          
    parse arg in
        when datatype(in, 'N') then say in '=' num2excel(in)
        otherwise                   say in '=' excel2num(in)
        parse arg num
        d = num % 26
        r = num // 26
        if r == 0 then do                                 
            r = 26                                        
            d = d-1                                       
        if d == 0 then return substr(b, r, 1)                    
                  else return substr(b, d, 1)||substr(b, r, 1)   
        parse arg ex
        if length(ex) == 2 then
            return (pos(substr(ex, 1, 1), b) * 26) + pos(substr(ex, 2, 1), b)
        else return pos(ex, b)

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