
June 11, 2010

We present today a classic exercise that has been on my to-do list since the start of Programming Praxis.

The n-queens problem is to find all possible ways to place n queens on an n × n chess board in such a way that no two queens share a row, column, or diagonal. The diagram at right shows one way that can be done on a standard 8 × 8 chess board.

Your task is to write a program to find all such placements. When you are finished, you are welcome to read or run a suggested solution, or to post your own solution or discuss the exercise in the comments below.

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13 Responses to “N-Queens”

  1. Remco Niemeijer said

    My Haskell solution (see http://bonsaicode.wordpress.com/2010/06/11/programming-praxis-n-queens/ for a version with comments):

    import Data.List
    queens :: Int -> [[Int]]
    queens n = filter (safe . zip [1..]) $ permutations [1..n]
    safe :: [(Int, Int)] -> Bool
    safe []     = True
    safe (x:xs) = all (safe' x) xs && safe xs where
        safe' (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = x1+y1 /= x2+y2 && x1-y1 /= x2-y2
  2. […] Praxis – N-Queens By Remco Niemeijer In today’s Programming Praxis we have to solve the classic n-queens problem. The provided Scheme solution has […]

  3. I was trying to make a version that printed and counted, and would fit in 4 lines so you could use it as a .signature file. Didn’t quite succeed, mostly because I need to include to get printf, but here’s where I got it.

    #include <stdio.h>
    int t,i,j,b[8],r;c(){r=1;for(i=0;i<7;i++)for(j=i+1;j<8;j++)r&=(b[i]-b[j]&&abs(i
    -j)!=abs(b[i]-b[j]));return r;}p(){for(i=0;i<8;i++){for(j=0;j<8;j++)putchar(
    " Q"[j==b[i]]);puts("");}puts("");t++;}s(n){int i;if(n--){for(i=8;i;){b[n]=--i;
    s(n);}}else if(c(b))p(b);}main(){s(8);printf("%d solutions.\n",t);}
  4. N = 8

    def valid? stack
    q2 = stack.length – 1
    (0..stack.length-2).each do |q1|
    return false if stack[q1] == stack[q2] ||
    (q1-q2).abs == (stack[q1]-stack[q2]).abs

    def queens stack, n
    if n == N
    puts “[ #{stack.join(‘, ‘)} ]”
    (1..N).each do |rank|
    queens(stack, n+1) if valid?(stack)

    queens [], 0

  5. slabounty said

    Here’s a ruby version (commented at http://steamcode.blogspot.com/2010/06/n-queens-problem-in-ruby.html)

    class Board
        def initialize(n)
            @n = n
            @board = Array.new(n)
            @board.map! { Array.new(n, "b") }
        def print_board
            puts "Board:"
            @board.each_index do |row|
                @board.each_index do |col|
        def safe_row(suggested_row)
            0.upto(@n-1) do |col|
                return false if @board[suggested_row][col] == "Q"
            return true
        def safe_col(suggested_col)
            0.upto(@n-1) do |row|
                return false if @board[row][suggested_col] == "Q"
            return true
        def safe_diag(suggested_row, suggested_col, row_mod, col_mod)
            row,col = suggested_row+row_mod, suggested_col+col_mod
            while true do
                break if (row >= @n) || (col >= @n) || (row < 0) || (col < 0)
                return false if @board[row][col] == "Q"
                row += row_mod
                col += col_mod
            return true
        def safe(suggested_row, suggested_col)
            return false if !safe_row(suggested_row)
            return false if !safe_col(suggested_col)
            return false if !safe_diag(suggested_row, suggested_col, 1, 1)
            return false if !safe_diag(suggested_row, suggested_col, 1, -1)
            return false if !safe_diag(suggested_row, suggested_col, -1, 1)
            return false if !safe_diag(suggested_row, suggested_col, -1, -1)
            return true
        def solve
        def solve_1(row)
            0.upto(@n-1) do |col|
                if safe(row, col)
                    @board[row][col] = "Q"
                    if row == (@n-1)
                    @board[row][col] = "b"
    board = Board.new(8).solve
  6. Jos Koot said

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eight_queens_puzzle section ‘constructing a solution’ shows an algorithm that is linear in the number of columns of the board when implemented with a vector. It allows you to go to boardsizes up to N=200000000 (I can’t go higher because of memory)

    (define (queens N)
      (if (and (exact-nonnegative-integer? N) (> N 3))
          (let* ((R (remainder N 12))
                 (n-even (floor (/ N 2)))
                 (n-odd (- N n-even))
                 (V (make-vector N))
                 (set-V! (lambda (f r) (vector-set! V f r)))
                 (sema (make-semaphore 0)))
                ((do-loop (syntax-rules ()
                            ((for (x range ...) body ...)
                             (for ((x (in-range range ...))) body ...)))))
               (λ ()
                 (case R
                   ((3 9)
                    (do-loop (F 0 (sub1 n-even)) (set-V! F (+ (* 2 F) 3)))
                    (set-V! (sub1 n-even) 1))
                   (else (do-loop (F 0 n-even) (set-V! F (add1 (* 2 F))))))
                 (semaphore-post sema))) ; Signal completion.
               (λ ()
                 (case R
                    (do-loop (F 2 (- n-odd 1)) (set-V! (+ F n-even) (+ (* 2 F) 2)))
                    (set-V! n-even 2)
                    (set-V! (add1 n-even) 0)
                    (set-V! (sub1 N) 4))
                   ((3 9)
                    (do-loop (F 0 (- n-odd 2)) (set-V! (+ F n-even) (+ (* 2 F) 4)))
                    (set-V! (- N 2) 0)
                    (set-V! (sub1 N) 2))
                    (do-loop (i 0 (sub1 n-odd) 2)
                             (set-V! (+ i n-even) (* 2 (add1 i)))
                             (set-V! (+ i n-even 1) (* 2 i))))
                    (do-loop (F 0 n-odd) (set-V! (+ F n-even) (* 2 F)))))
                 (semaphore-post sema))) ; Signal completion.
              (semaphore-wait sema) ; Wait for both loops to complete.
              (semaphore-wait sema)
          (raise-type-error 'queens "exact integer greater than 3" N)))
  7. Another usefull website about the N queens problem is http://sites.google.com/site/nqueensolver/
    which has algorithms and executables for download

  8. programmingpraxis said

    Here’s a different, somewhat simpler, solution in Scheme:

    (define (attack? q1 q2)
      (or (= (car q1) (car q2))
          (= (cadr q1) (cadr q2))
          (= (abs (- (car q1) (car q2)))
             (abs (- (cadr q1) (cadr q2))))))

    (define (safe? q qs)
      (cond ((null? qs) #t)
            ((attack? q (car qs)) #f)
            (else (safe? q (cdr qs)))))

    (define (queens n)
      (let queen ((n n) (x 1) (y 1) (qs '()) (qss '()))
        (cond ((< n x) (cons (reverse qs) qss))
              ((< n y) qss)
              ((safe? (list x y) qs)
                (queen n x (+ y 1) qs
                  (queen n (+ x 1) 1
                    (cons (list x y) qs) qss)))
              (else (queen n x (+ y 1) qs qss)))))

  9. Ying Yin said

    Java implementation:


  10. simonliu2008 said

    can any one tell me how to convert n-queens problem to exact cover problem?

  11. programmingpraxis said

    Knuth discusses this in his dancing links paper.

  12. […] problem with n queens on an n by n chessboard. After finding it again in older posts on both Programming Praxis and DataGenetics, I decided to go ahead and take a crack at it and I think the solution is pretty […]

  13. Hi I am new to Ruby,I wrote a program in ruby which based on NQueen java program by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne http://introcs.cs.princeton.edu/java/23recursion/Queens.java.html,The problem is My program is not outputting the result,please help me here
    my program source : http://repl.it/1jv

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