May 25, 2010

The Stanford GraphBase of Donald Knuth provides a portable, high-quality random number generator called GB_FLIP. Based on the lagged fibonacci generator an = (an-24an-55) mod m, GB_FLIP provides values on the range zero inclusive to 231 exclusive, has a period of 285 − 230, and the low-order bits of the generated numbers are just as random as the high-order bits. You can read Knuth’s original version of the program at

Your task is to write your own version of GB_FLIP. When you are finished, you are welcome to read or run a suggested solution, or to post your own solution or discuss the exercise in the comments below.

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5 Responses to “GB_FLIP”

  1. Graham said

    I’ve been trying to come up with a Python version, but the global variables are giving me the run around.

  2. Mike said

    Here’s my Python version. It’s a fairly direct translation of Knuth’s C-code to Python.

    from itertools import count, takewhile
    A = [-1L]*56
    fptr = 0
    def next_rand():
        global A, fptr
        if A[fptr] >= 0:
            val = A[fptr]
            fptr -= 1
            val = flip_cycle()
        return val
    def mod_diff(x, y):
        return (x - y) & 0x7fffffffL
    def flip_cycle():
        global A, fptr
        for ii in range(1,56):
            A[ii] = mod_diff( A[ii], A[ (ii + 30)%55 + 1 ] )
        fptr = 54
        return A[ 55 ]
    def init_rand( seed ):
        global A
        prev = mod_diff( long( seed ), 0 )
        seed = prev
        A[55] = prev
        next_ = 1
        for i in takewhile( bool, ( 21*n%55 for n in count( 1 ) ) ):
            A[i] = next_
            next_ = mod_diff( prev, next_ )
            if seed&1:
                seed = 0x40000000L | (seed>>1)
                seed >>= 1
            next_ = mod_diff( next_, seed )
            prev = A[i]
        for j in range(5):
    def unif_rand( m ):
        r = t = 0x80000000L - (0x80000000L % m)
        while r >= t:
            r = next_rand()
        return r%m
    def test():
        init_rand( -314159 )
        if next_rand() != 119318998L:
            print "Failure on first try!"
            for j in range(133):
                _ = next_rand()
            if unif_rand( 0x55555555L ) != 748103812L:
                print "Failure on second test!"
                print "Ok, the routines seem to work!"
  3. […] random number generators in past exercises, including Donald Knuth’s lagged-fibonacci generator that is used in the Standard Prelude. We also looked at cellular automata in a previous exercise. […]

  4. Ying Yin said

    Java implementation.

    import java.util.Arrays;
     * Random number generator based on Knuth's GB_FLIP, the module used by 
     * GraphBase programs to generate random numbers.
    public class Random {
       * The index of the next pseudo-random value in randArray to be used.
      private int index = 0;
       * Pseudo-random values.
      private long[] randArray = new long[56];
      public Random() {
        Arrays.fill(randArray, -1);
       * @return the next random number.
    	public long next() {
    	  long val;
    		if (randArray[index] >= 0) {
    		  val = randArray[index];
    		} else {
    		  val = flipCycle();
    		return val;
    	 * Returns a uniform integer between 0 and n - 1, inclusive.
    	 * @param n a positive integer less than 2^31.
    	 * @return
    	public long next(long n) {
    	  long r = 0x80000000L - (0x80000000L % n);
    	  long t = r;
    	  while (r >= t)
    	    r = next();
    	  return r % n;
    	 * Initialize the random number generator with a seed.
    	 * @param seed
    	public void setSeed(long seed) {
    		// Strips off the sign.
    	  long prev = modDiff(seed, 0);
    	  seed = prev;
    	  randArray[55] = prev;
    	  long next = 1L;
    	  for (int i = 21; i > 0; i = (i + 21) % 55) {
    	    randArray[i] = next;
    	    next = modDiff(prev, next);
    	    if ((seed & 1L) > 0)
    	      seed = 0x40000000L + (seed >> 1);
    	    else seed >>= 1; // Cyclic shift right 1.
    	    next = modDiff(next, seed);
    	    prev = randArray[i];
    	  for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    	 * Computes 55 more pseudo-random numbers.
    	 * @return the next pseudo-random number.
    	private long flipCycle() {
    	  for (int i = 1; i < 56; i++) {
    	    randArray[i] = modDiff(randArray[i], randArray[(i + 30) % 55 + 1]);
    	  index = 54;
    	  return randArray[55];
    	 * Computes difference modulo 2^31.
    	 * @param x
    	 * @param y
    	 * @return
    	private long modDiff(long x, long y) {
    	  return (x - y) & 0x7fffffffL;
  5. […] built several random number generators: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9] (I didn’t realize it was so many until I went back and […]

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