Loopy Loops

March 18, 2011

I don’t like this silly question. But it has appeared recently on Hacker News and Stack Overflow (C/C++ and Java, and probably other languages but I quit searching), and generated lots of comments on both, and it’s apparently a popular interview question, so we may as well do it here, too:

Print the numbers from 1 to 1000 without using any loop or conditional statements. Don’t just write the printf() or cout statement 1000 times.

Your task is to write the program in your favorite language. Have fun — think of as many solutions as you can, or the wackiest, or the fewest characters in the source file, or some other best-in-category. When you are finished, you are welcome to read or run a suggested solution, or to post your own solution or discuss the exercise in the comments below.

Pages: 1 2

73 Responses to “Loopy Loops”

  1. Alexis Bietti said

    Using C++ templates and recursion:


    void print_num ()
    std::cout << NUM << std::endl;
    print_num ();

    void print_num ()
    std::cout << 0 << std::endl;

    int main (int, char**)
    print_num ();

  2. Alexis Bietti said

    Sorry, new here, this time with correct formatting (hopefully)

    Using C++ templates and recursion:

    [/sourcecode lang="c++"]

    void print_num ()
    std::cout << NUM << std::endl;
    print_num ();

    void print_num ()
    std::cout << 0 << std::endl;

    int main (int, char**)
    print_num ();

  3. Alexis Bietti said

    Okay, it’s getting silly, please delete 2 previous messages. (I could really use a preview before my message is actually posted)

    #include <iostream>

    template <int NUM>
    void print_num ()
    std::cout << NUM << std::endl;
    print_num<NUM-1> ();

    template <>
    void print_num<0> ()
    std::cout << 0 << std::endl;

    int main (int, char**)
    print_num<1000> ();

  4. […] today’s Programming Praxis, our goal is to print the numbers 1 through 1000 without using loops or […]

  5. My Haskell solution (see http://bonsaicode.wordpress.com/2011/03/18/programming-praxis-loopy-loops/ for a version with comments):

    import Control.Exception
    import Control.Monad.State
    loopy1 :: IO ()
    loopy1 = mapM_ print [1..1000]
    loopy2 :: IO ()
    loopy2 = f 1 where
        f 1000 = print 1000
        f n    = print n >> f (n + 1)
    loopy3 :: IO ()
    loopy3 = handle (\DivideByZero -> return ()) $ f 1 where
        f n = seq (div n (1001 - n)) print n >> f (n + 1)
    loopy4 :: IO ()
    loopy4 = evalStateT (do10 . do10 . do10 $ next) 1 where
        next = (liftIO . print =<< get) >> modify succ
        do10 f = f >> f >> f >> f >> f >> f >> f >> f >> f >> f
  6. John said

    I feel as though this might be cheating:

    print range(1, 1001)
  7. Herman Singer said

    A recursive C solution with xor.

    int func(int i,int m) { fprintf(stdout,"%d\n",i); return((!(i^m))||func(i+1,m));}
    int main(int argc,const char** argv){func(1,1000); return(1);}
  8. Herman Singer said

    A recursive C solution with xor. (This time hopefully correctly formatted.)

    #include <stdio.h>
    int func(int i,int m){ fprintf(stdout,"%d\n",i); return((!(i^m))||func(i+1,m));}
    int main(int argc,const char** argv){func(1,1000); return(1);}
  9. Herman Singer said

    Goto considered harmful – not. :-)
    Or is goto considered a loop construct?

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    int doexit(){ exit(0);  return(1);}
    int main(int argc,const char** argv)
    { int i=1;
      (!(i^1000)) && doexit();
      goto start;
  10. Veer said

    My silly solution :)
    Prints 1 to 20 numbers.

    #lang racket
    (require web-server/private/timer)
    (define num 1)
    (define timer1 -1)
    (define (action)
    (display num)
    (display " ")
    (set! num (+ num 1))
    (set! timer1 (start-timer 1 action))

    (define (stop-action)
    (cancel-timer! timer1))


    (start-timer 20 stop-action)

  11. Graham said

    Codepad doesn’t seem to be working for me today, so I used github instead.
    I had a hard time telling exactly what counted and what was cheating on this one :-)

  12. programmingpraxis said

    Graham: The definition of cheating is probably up to the interviewer. You keep writing different solutions until he tells you to stop.

  13. Graham said

    I’m hoping a wily Perl hacker comes along with a seriously code golfed version.

  14. Graham said

    Fair enough!

  15. programmingpraxis said

    I’m afraid a wily Perl hacker comes along with a seriously code golfed version.

  16. Jussi Piitulainen said

    No recursion, no exceptions, no short-circuiting.
    Just 1000 is 10 times 10 times 10.
    And 10 is 2 times 5.
    And a counter thunk.

    (define (compose f g)
      (lambda (a) (f (g a))))
    (define (five* o)
      (lambda () (o) (o) (o) (o) (o)))
    (define (two* o)
      (lambda () (o) (o)))
    (define (three-deep f a)
      (f (f (f a))))
    (define (n)
      (let ((n 1))
        (lambda ()
          (display n)
          (set! n (+ n 1)))))

    Call thus. (Tested with ikarus.)

    ((three-deep (compose two* five*) (n)))
  17. Veer said

    wow, great solution Jussi Piitulainen , never thought of this approach.

  18. Mike said
    import sys
    _ = map(sys.stdout.write,map('{}\n'.format,range(1,1000)))
  19. Maurits said

    Let’s start the Perl ball rolling:

    perl -e “print join(‘, ‘, 1 .. 1000)”

  20. Maurits said

    Best I can do without resorting to the optional “say”

    perl -e "$,=$/;print 1..1000"
  21. Maurits said

    Shaved one character off the above:

    perl -e "print$,=$/,1..1000"
  22. jcs said

    This is sort of like Jussi Piitulainen’s solution:

    (define ten
      (lambda (f)
        (lambda (start increment)
          (let ((new-inc (quotient increment 10)))
           (f start new-inc)
           (f (+ start (* increment 2)) new-inc)
           (f (+ start (* increment 3)) new-inc)
           (f (+ start (* increment 4)) new-inc)
           (f (+ start (* increment 5)) new-inc)
           (f (+ start (* increment 6)) new-inc)
           (f (+ start (* increment 7)) new-inc)
           (f (+ start (* increment 8)) new-inc)
           (f (+ start (* increment 9)) new-inc)))))

    Now call it as ((ten (ten (ten (lambda (n . not-used) (format #t “~a ” n))))) 1 100)

  23. jcs said

    Oops. I just noticed that I dropped a line. Insert
    (f (+ start increment) new-inc)
    between lines 5 and 6.

  24. Frank Adrian said

    ;;; In Common Lisp

    ;Termination of count – just print it out.
    (defmethod mcount ((n (eql 1000)))
    (format t “~&~A~%” 1000))

    ; Generic counting – start at n and recurse to count up from there.
    (defmethod mcount ((n t))
    (format t “~&~A~%” n)
    (mcount (1+ n)))

    ; Start counting from 1.
    (mcount 1)

  25. Mike said

    In Clojure the following does the trick at the REPL (because of the implied print):

    (range 1 1001)

    But if you also disallow the built-in range function, then the following is a nice functional way to actually generate the sequence:

    (take 1000 (iterate inc 1))

  26. Mike said

    For fun, here are a few more.

    from __future__ import print_function
    # 1
    y = lambda n: (n-1 and y(n-1)) or print(n)
    # 2
    print('\n'.join(reduce(lambda a,b: a + [str(len(a)+1)],[0]*1000,[])))
    # 3 - This works up to 100, but exceeds the stack limit when I try to do it up to 1000. (What do I expect for
    #     recursive regular expression substitutions.) I've not tried changing the stack limit.  (To go up to 1000,
    #     change the {1,2} in the regex pattern to {1,3}
    import re
    pat = re.compile(r'(?<!\d)\d{1,2}$')
    f = lambda o: pat.sub(f, o.group() + '\n' + str(int(o.group()) + 1) )
    print(f(re.search('.', '1')))
  27. Ian Price said

    If you’re recursive solution isn’t considered cheating, then these variations shouldn’t be.

    (define (display-line n)
      (display n)
    (define (f n)
      ;; call/cc loop
      (let* ((restart #f)
             (answer (display-line 
                      (call/cc (lambda (k) (set! restart k) 1)))))
        (if (not (= n answer))
            (restart (+ answer 1)))))
    (f 1000)
    (define (g n)
      ;; cps loop
      (define (h n done)
        (if (zero? n)
          (h (- n 1)
             (lambda ()
               (display-line n)
      (h n (lambda () 'done)))
    (g 1000)
  28. Ian Price said

    Erm, that should be “your”

  29. Jussi Piitulainen said

    Thanks, guys. I have now worked out a general system for
    making any fixed number of repetitions of a transformation
    (here, successor, with output) from zero, one, addition
    and multiplication. The zero is a bit redundant. Here are
    the building blocks.

    (define (o m n) ;addition                                                                                                    
      (lambda (f)
        (lambda (a)
              (lambda () ((n f) a))
            (lambda (f a) ((m f) a))))))
    (define (x m n) ;multiplication                                                                                              
      (lambda (f)
        (lambda (a)
              (lambda ()
                ((m (lambda (a)
                          (lambda () ((n f) a))
                        (lambda (_ a) a))))
            (lambda (_ a) (values f a))))))
    (define (zero f) (lambda (a) (values f a)))
    (define (one f) (lambda (a) (values f (f a))))

    Here are some auxiliaries that double as examples of the
    use of the system.

    (define two (o one one))     (define four (x two two))
    (define three (o one two))   (define five (o four one))
    (define (square n) (x n n))  (define (cube n) (x n (x n n)))

    Here is the answer to the interview question.

    (define thousand (cube (x two five)))
    (define (out n)
      (display n)
      (+ n 1))
    ((thousand out) 1)

    And here is a demonstration of the generality, 314 being
    2224 in base five.

    (define three-hundred-and-fourteen ;in base five                                                                             
      (o (x two (cube five))
         (o (x two (square five))
            (o (x two five)
    ((three-hundred-and-thirteen out) 1)                                                                                        

    The system passes on and finally returns the transformation
    procedure and the next value. This was a bit tricky in the
    multiplication procedure, and is a bit spurious in the end.

  30. Jussi Piitulainen said

    Er, -fourteen in the last line, of course, not -thirteen.

  31. programmingpraxis said

    Jussi: You’re hired.

  32. Lipatan Berlipat said
    def do2
    def do5
    do2{do5{do2{do5{do2{do5{x+=1;puts x}}}}}}
  33. Lipatan Berlipat said
    def do10
    do10{do10{do10{x+=1;puts x}}}
  34. Osoleve said

    (define (one->1000 n)
    (/ n (- 1001 n))
    (display n)
    (one->1000 (+ 1 n)))

    Feels like cheating.

  35. yaq said


    ;;integers definition borrowed from SICP 3.5.2
    (define (integers-starting-from n)
      (cons-stream n (integers-starting-from (+ n 1))))
    (define integers (integers-starting-from 1))
    (stream-head integers 1000)
  36. Khanh Nguyen said

    In F#, tail call in continuation style

    let rec loopy n cont = 
        match n with
        | 1 -> cont 1
        | _ -> loopy (n-1) (fun x -> 
                                printfn "%A" x
                                cont n
    loopy 1000 (fun x -> 
                printfn "%A" x
  37. To paraphrase a well-known programming quote, there are two ways of solving this exercise: write or program that obviously has no loops or conditionals, or write a program that has no obvious loops or conditionals. In the example below, I’ve chosen the latter :)

    It’s based on lambda calculus and is written in Coffeescript rather than plain Javascript to keeps things slightly readable. It takes about 40 seconds to run in Chrome.

    z = (_) -> (x) -> x
    s = (n) -> (f) -> (x) -> f(n(f)(x))
    m = (a) -> (b) -> (f) -> a(b(f))
    loopy = (n) -> (n((_) -> z) ((x) -> (_) -> x))(() ->)(() -> loopy(((f) -> (x) -> n((g) -> (h) -> h(g(f)))((_) -> x)((u) -> u)))(); document.writeln(n((x) -> x + 1)(0)))
    c = (x) -> m(x)(m(x)(x))
    loopy(c(s s c(s s z)))()
  38. And of course the quote should start with ‘write a program’ rather than ‘write or program’. I wish there was an edit option on these comments.

  39. Bryce said

    Here is my solution in python3, I’m not sure if the conditions are kept in the background.

    list_of_ints = list(range(1,1001))

  40. Duke Banerjee said

    Java version:

    import java.util.Arrays;

    public class LoopyPrint {
    public static void printNumbers(final int current, final int target) {
    int index = (current – 1) / target;
    Arrays.asList(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
    printNumbers(current + 1, target);
    }, new Runnable() {
    public void run() {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
    printNumbers(1, 1000);

  41. Chris Kuklewicz said


    jmp_buf place;

    void again(int i) {

    int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    int i=1+setjmp(place);
    printf(“%4d “,i);
    return 0;

  42. anvsdt said

    With church numerals:
    ((λ (m)
    ((λ (t)
    ((λ (o)
    ((o (λ (x) (display x) (+ x 1))) 1))
    (m (m t t) t)))
    (m (λ (f) (λ (x) (f (f x))))
    (λ (f) (λ (x) (f (f (f (f (f x))))))))))
    (λ (n m)
    (λ (f) (λ (x) ((m (n f)) x)))))

  43. Gareth Fleming said

    Here’s a solution in erlang:


    You could get away without the extra noargs loopy function and simply call loopy/1 yourself (after exporting it, of course).

  44. Dmon said


    static void Main(string[] args)
    Enumerable.Range(1, 1000).Select(x => { Console.Write(x); return x; }).ToArray();

  45. George Brabazon said

    public Integer count(Integer i){
    return i < 1000 ? count(i++) : null;

    public static void main(String[] args){

  46. Gareth Fleming said

    Apologies … i totally did *not* read the HOWTO: Posting Source Code section. Don’t hate me … too much.

  47. cartosys said

    print_r((array_fill(1, 1001, ”)));

  48. Kevin Dean said

    in ML:

    fun count(0) = Int.toString(0)
    | count(n) = Int.toString(n) ^ ” ” ^ count(n-1);

    print (count 1000);

  49. D_D said

    The solution is in php

    function f_0($x) {
    $res = (int)($x/1000);
    print $x.”\n”;
    $res = “f_”.$res;

    function f_1($y) {
    print $x.”\n”;


  50. quesne said

    No arrays, no maps, no recursion:

    echo H4sIAFS6jE0AA+3Tuw1AMQhD0Z5pyD/Zf7Es4Db3SU8+lTsjBJnvFUAFNEAHDMAELMAGHECod1Snrc5ErVyN7w53uOPbjshSWx9z7ePk5PTXFBf4WqqcuwsAAA== | base64 -d | gunzip

  51. dave paulino said

    //using C#
    class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
    int i = 1, j = 1000;
    Print(ref i, ref j);
    catch (Exception ex){//do nothing}
    static void Print(ref int i, ref int j)
    int x = i / j;
    Print(ref i, ref j);

  52. rohit said

    # include

    using namespace std;

    struct acc{

    static int a;

    int acc::a=1;

    int main()
    acc b[1000];
    return 0;

  53. battosai said

    int myexit() {
    void foo(int i) {
    (1000 – i) || myexit();
    printf(“%d\n”, ++i);

    int main() {
    return 0;

  54. rohit said

    you have used recursion

  55. battosai said


  56. Tom Duff said

    In C. No loops, conditionals, recursion, global variables or assignments; printf only called once (statically) and only 19 lines. (It’s actually shorter if you leave the macro out…) Undoubtedly the formatting will be screwy, but I see no ‘preview’ button here.

    #include <stdio.h>
    int do1(int n){
    	printf("%d\n", n+1);
    	return n+1;
    #define	twice(name, call) int name(int n){ return call(call(n)); }
    twice(do2, do1)
    twice(do4, do2)
    twice(do8, do4)
    twice(do16, do8)
    twice(do32, do16)
    twice(do64, do32)
    twice(do128, do64)
    twice(do256, do128)
    twice(do512, do256)
    int main(void){
    	do512(do256(do128(do64(do32(do8(0)))))); /* 1000[10]=1111101000[2] */
    	return 0;
  57. Pradyumna said

    public static void main(String[] args) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    public static void printFromUpto(int start,int last){
    int x = 1/(last-start);
    printFromUpto(start+1, last);
    }catch(Exception e){

  58. Solution in Javascript:

    var F = [loop, exit];
    function exit() { return; }
    function loop(n) {
    F[Math.floor(n / 1000)](n + 1);

  59. print (1..1000);

  60. fa said

    Any kind of recursion require a condition to stop. So let’s be trivial:



     1 /**
     2    Loopy Loops
     4    Print the numbers from 1 to 1000 without using
     5    any loop or conditional statements.
     6 */
     7 public class Loopy
     8 {
     9    public static void main(String args[]) {
    10       loopy();
    11    }
    13    private static void loopy() {
    14       lloopy(0);
    15       lloopy(1);
    16       lloopy(2);
    17       lloopy(3);
    18       lloopy(4);
    19       lloopy(5);
    20       lloopy(6);
    21       lloopy(7);
    22       lloopy(8);
    23       lloopy(9);
    24    }
    26    private static void lloopy(int i) {
    27       llloopy(10 * i + 0);
    28       llloopy(10 * i + 1);
    29       llloopy(10 * i + 2);
    30       llloopy(10 * i + 3);
    31       llloopy(10 * i + 4);
    32       llloopy(10 * i + 5);
    33       llloopy(10 * i + 6);
    34       llloopy(10 * i + 7);
    35       llloopy(10 * i + 8);
    36       llloopy(10 * i + 9);
    37    }
    39    private static void llloopy(int i) {
    40       lllloopy(10 * i + 0);
    41       lllloopy(10 * i + 1);
    42       lllloopy(10 * i + 2);
    43       lllloopy(10 * i + 3);
    44       lllloopy(10 * i + 4);
    45       lllloopy(10 * i + 5);
    46       lllloopy(10 * i + 6);
    47       lllloopy(10 * i + 7);
    48       lllloopy(10 * i + 8);
    49       lllloopy(10 * i + 9);
    50    }
    52    private static void lllloopy(int i) {
    53       System.out.println(1 + i);
    54    }
    55 }




     1 #lang racket
     3 (define (lllloopy i)
     4   (display (+ 1 i))
     5   (display "\n"))
     7 (define (llloopy i)
     8   (lllloopy (+ 0 (* 10 i)))
     9   (lllloopy (+ 1 (* 10 i)))
    10   (lllloopy (+ 2 (* 10 i)))
    11   (lllloopy (+ 3 (* 10 i)))
    12   (lllloopy (+ 4 (* 10 i)))
    13   (lllloopy (+ 5 (* 10 i)))
    14   (lllloopy (+ 6 (* 10 i)))
    15   (lllloopy (+ 7 (* 10 i)))
    16   (lllloopy (+ 8 (* 10 i)))
    17   (lllloopy (+ 9 (* 10 i))))
    19 (define (lloopy i)
    20   (llloopy (+ 0 (* 10 i)))
    21   (llloopy (+ 1 (* 10 i)))
    22   (llloopy (+ 2 (* 10 i)))
    23   (llloopy (+ 3 (* 10 i)))
    24   (llloopy (+ 4 (* 10 i)))
    25   (llloopy (+ 5 (* 10 i)))
    26   (llloopy (+ 6 (* 10 i)))
    27   (llloopy (+ 7 (* 10 i)))
    28   (llloopy (+ 8 (* 10 i)))
    29   (llloopy (+ 9 (* 10 i))))
    31 (define (loopy)
    32   (lloopy 0)
    33   (lloopy 1)
    34   (lloopy 2)
    35   (lloopy 3)
    36   (lloopy 4)
    37   (lloopy 5)
    38   (lloopy 6)
    39   (lloopy 7)
    40   (lloopy 8)
    41   (lloopy 9))
  61. #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    int p1(int n);
    int p(int n)
         return 0; 
       return 0;
    int p1(int n)
         return 0; 
       return 0;
    int main()
       int n=1;
       return 0;
  62. public static void main(String[] args) {
    private static void printnum(int num) {
    if(num > 1){
    printnum(num -1);

  63. gautam said

    good old c :

    int main(){
    static int i = 1;
    static int j = 1001;
    return (j-i && main());

  64. yentup said

    did mine in java, no loops or conditional statements!! :D

    class NoLoops {
    	static int i =1;
    	public static void main(String[] args) {
    	public static void m01() {
    	public static void m02() {
    		m01(); m01(); m01(); m01(); m01(); m01(); m01(); 
    		m01(); m01(); m01(); 
    	public static void m03() {
    		m02(); m02(); m02(); m02(); m02(); m02(); m02(); 
    		m02(); m02(); m02(); 
    	public static void m04() {
    		m03(); m03(); m03(); m03(); m03(); m03(); m03(); 
    		m03(); m03(); m03(); 
  65. Zelah said


  66. Zelah said


    Plain Text

    (define (print function argument)
    (display (function argument 1))
    (display (function argument 2))
    (display (function argument 3))
    (display (function argument 4))
    (display (function argument 5))
    (display (function argument 6))
    (display (function argument 7))
    (display (function argument 8))
    (display (function argument 9))
    (display (function argument 10)))
    (define (hundred start)
    (begin (print + (+ 0 start))
    (print + (+ 10 start))
    (print + (+ 20 start))
    (print + (+ 30 start))
    (print + (+ 40 start))
    (print + (+ 50 start))
    (print + (+ 60 start))
    (print + (+ 70 start))
    (print + (+ 80 start))
    (print + (+ 90 start))))
    (begin (hundred 0)
    (hundred 100)
    (hundred 200)
    (hundred 300)
    (hundred 400)
    (hundred 500)
    (hundred 600)
    (hundred 700)
    (hundred 800)
    (hundred 900))

  67. Zelah said
    (define (print function argument)
       (display (function argument 1))
       (display (function argument 2))
       (display (function argument 3))
       (display (function argument 4))
       (display (function argument 5))
       (display (function argument 6))
       (display (function argument 7))
       (display (function argument 8))
       (display (function argument 9))
       (display (function argument 10)))
    (define (hundred start)
       (begin (print + (+ 0 start))
                  (print + (+ 10 start))
                  (print + (+ 20 start))
                  (print + (+ 30 start))
                  (print + (+ 40 start))
                  (print + (+ 50 start))
                  (print + (+ 60 start))
                  (print + (+ 70 start))
                  (print + (+ 80 start))
                  (print + (+ 90 start))))
    (begin (hundred 0) 
               (hundred 100) 
               (hundred 200) 
               (hundred 300) 
               (hundred 400)
               (hundred 500)
               (hundred 600) 
               (hundred 700)
               (hundred 800)
               (hundred 900))

    run the code here

  68. infgeoax said

    C++, using recursion, no logic operators, no exceptions, using function pointers and the global initialization convention (and a little too much space).


    using namespace std;

    typedef void (*func_type)(int);

    int offsets[1002];

    func_type funcs[2];

    void print(int a) {
    cout << a++ << endl;
    funcs[offsets[a]](a); // call the function determined by the value of a.

    void nullfunc(int a) {} // A do-nothing function to terminate the recursion.

    int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
    // Initialize the jump table.
    funcs[0] = print;
    funcs[1] = nullfunc;

    offsets[1001] = 1; // set the last one to nullfunc. and the rest of the array is ZERO since it's a global variable.


    return 0;

  69. David said

    FORTH version

    : 1.n  1+ dup . ;
    : 2.n   1.n  1.n ;
    : 4.n   2.n  2.n ;
    : 8.n   4.n  4.n ;
    : 16.n  8.n  8.n ;
    : 32.n 16.n 16.n ;
    : 64.n 32.n 32.n ;
    : loopy-loop
        0 64.n 32.n 4.n ;
  70. David said

    Forgot to drop the value on the stack, and also didn’t notice it’s one to 1000. Easily fixed…

    :   1.n  1+ dup . ;
    :   2.n   1.n  1.n ;
    :   4.n   2.n  2.n ;
    :   8.n   4.n  4.n ;
    :  16.n   8.n  8.n ;
    :  32.n  16.n  16.n ;
    :  64.n  32.n  32.n ;
    : 128.n  64.n  64.n ;
    : 256.n 128.n 128.n ;
    : 512.n 256.n 256.n ;
    : loopy-loop
        0 512.n 256.n 128.n 64.n 32.n 8.n drop ;
  71. brooknovak said

    In C# using recursion/delegates:

    private static readonly Action<int>[] actions = new Action<int>[] {
    	n => {}
    public static void PrintTo1000(int n) {
    	Console.WriteLine (n);
    	actions [(int)(((float)n) / 1000.0)] (n + 1);

    usage: PrintTo1000 (1);

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