Array Duplicates

September 23, 2011

We have today another exercise from our large file of interview questions:

You are given an array with integers between 1 and 1,000,000. One integer is in the array twice. How can you determine which one?

Your task is to write code to solve the array duplicates problem. When you are finished, you are welcome to read or run a suggested solution, or to post your own solution or discuss the exercise in the comments below.

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22 Responses to “Array Duplicates”

  1. This sentence is confusing me, do you mean the sort can be reduced to O(n)?
    > The sorting solution takes time O(n log n) for the sort plus time O(n) for the search (that could be reduced to O(n) if the items are integers

  2. kawas said

    Clojure implementation of the searching solution using an auxiliary data structure.

    (defn find-one-dup [coll]
      (loop [v (first coll) coll (next coll) vset #{}]
          (nil? v) nil
          (vset v)   v
          :else (recur (first coll) (next coll) (conj vset v)))))
  3. Graham said

    @William: check out Wikipedia’s list of non-comparison sorts (about halfway through the page), like counting or radix sort.

    I haven’t much time today, so here are some quick Python solutions:

    def searching(arr):
        s = set()
        for a in arr:
            if a in s:
                return a
    def sorting(arr):
        brr = sorted(arr)
        for i in xrange(1, len(brr)):
            if brr[i] == brr[i-1]:
                return brr[i]
    def gauss(arr):
        # requires that arr contains _all_ natural numbers from one to len(arr)
        n = len(arr)
        return sum(arr) - n * (n - 1) // 2
  4. programmingpraxis said

    William: That’s poorly worded, but yes. Since the input is guaranteed to be integers over a small range, sorting could be done by radix sort or counting sort in O(n) time.

  5. DGel said

    Solution in Go for first two options. Didn’t think of doing the sorting version until I read the solution.
    Went looking for a set in Go first, but an array of bools is probably better in this case.

    func searching(data []int) int {
    	had_num := make([]bool, len(data) + 1)
    	for _, num := range data {
    		if had_num[num] {
    			return num
    		} else {
    			had_num[num] = true
    	return -1 // yay for magic numbers
    func sorting(data []int) int {
    	a := make([]int, len(data)) // don't mess up order of original
    	for i := range data {
    		a[i] = data[i]
    	for i := 1; i < len(a); i++ {
    		if a[i] == a[i - 1] {
    			return a[i]
    	return -1 // magic number again

  6. Peter Mielke said

    Why not use a modified quicksort that terminates when the comparison function sees two equal numbers? There is no need to continue the sort when the duplicate number is found.

  7. Mike said

    uh, it’s known that the sum of x from 1 to n is a formula: (n(n+1))/2, right? So, take the sum of your entire input array, subtract off the calculated constant, and you’re left with the duplicate value. No sorting or extra arrays necessary. :-)

  8. Philip G said

    @Mike: The integers in the array are not guaranteed to be from 1 to 1000000. They could be any value between 1 and 1000000, and you could have an arbitrary number of array elements. Your method would work otherwise :)

  9. j2kun said

    The logic is a mere two lines in racket. Unfortunately, this is assuming that no other integer appears more than once in the array, that there is enough space in memory to hold twice the number of required integers. On the other hand, with Racket’s tail-call optimization, this code runs in linear time (set-operations are constant-time hashing calculations).

    #lang racket
    (define (find-dupe list-with-dupes)
      (with-handlers ([number? (λ (x) x)])
          (find-dupe-recurse list-with-dupes (set))))
    (define (find-dupe-recurse list a-set)
      (cond [(empty? list) (error "no duplicate found")]
            [(set-member? a-set (first list)) (raise (first list))]
            [else (find-dupe-recurse (rest list) (set-add a-set (first list)))]))
  10. j2kun said

    My mistake, I meant constant space, not constant time. The recursive calls can’t overflow the stack because of Racket’s use of continuation passing style to avoid ever returning from the tail position. Neat stuff!

  11. I prefer burning lots of memory (in C …)

    #define MAX_SIZE 1000000

    static unsigned short x[(MAX_SIZE/16)+1] ;

    // return index of duplicate
    int fdup_arr( int * arr, int n )
    int ival, istep, ipos, ibit, irec ;

    memset( &x, 0, sizeof( x)) ;

    for ( istep= 0 ; ( n — ) ; istep ++ ) {
    ival= *( arr ++) ;
    ipos= ival >> 4 ;
    ibit= ival & 0xf ;
    if ( ( irec= x[ipos] ) && ( irec & ibit ) ) { return istep ; }
    x[ipos]= irec | ibit ;

    return -1 ;

  12. Mike said

    A couple of implementations in python 3

    The first uses the sorting technique.

    The second uses the searching technique.

    The third uses the Counter class from the standard library.
    It counts the occurances of each number in the array and then
    returns the most common one.

    #### 1
    from itertools import dropwhile
    from itertools_recipies import pairwise
    def sort(array):
        return next(dropwhile(lambda t:t[0]!=t[1], pairwise(sorted(array))))[0]
    #### 2
    def search(array):
        seen = set()
        return next(filter(None,(e if e in seen else seen.add(e) for e in array)))
    #### 3
    from collections import Counter
    def counter(array):
        return Counter(array).most_common(1)[0][0]
    from random import sample, randint
    # make random list of 200,000 integers then randomly duplicate one of them
    array = list(set(sample(range(1,1000000),200000)))
    i,j = 0,0
    while i == j:
        i, j = randint(0,len(array)), randint(0,len(array))
    array[i] = array[j]
    print("Answer is {}".format(array[i]))
    print("finddup1() -> {}".format(finddup1(array)))
    print("finddup2() -> {}".format(finddup2(array)))
    print("finddup3() -> {}".format(finddup3(array)))
  13. Mike said

    Oopps. I pasted the wrong test code above. Here is the correct test code:

    from random import sample, randint
    # make random list of 200,000 integers then randomly duplicate one of them
    array = sample(range(1,1000000),200000)
    i,j = 0,0
    while i == j:
        i, j = randint(0,len(array)), randint(0,len(array))
    array[i] = array[j]
    print("Answer is {}".format(array[i]))
    for f in (sort, search, counter):
        print("{0.__name__}() -> {1}".format(f, f(array)))


  14. ijp said

    Yet another scheme solution, now with 100% more call/cc

    (import (rnrs)
            (srfi :27 random-bits)
            (only (srfi :1 lists) iota))
    (define (shuffle x)
      ;; definition from
      (do ((v (list->vector x)) (n (length x) (- n 1)))
          ((zero? n) (vector->list v))
        (let* ((r (random-integer n)) (t (vector-ref v r)))
          (vector-set! v r (vector-ref v (- n 1)))
          (vector-set! v (- n 1) t))))
    (define (pick-duplicate list)
       (lambda (break)
         (list-sort (lambda (x y)
                      (if (= x y)
                          (break x)
                          (< x y)))
    (write (pick-duplicate (shuffle (cons 176 (iota 1000000)))))
  15. sergant said

    > j woolverton said
    > September 23, 2011 at 11:56 PM

    with the array in example below your function doesn’t work.
    Please find a small correction.
    It takes more memory, but works.
    HASH (size) could be optimized, but that was not required initially ;)


    #define MAX_SIZE 1000000
    #define MAX 10

    static unsigned int x[MAX_SIZE];

    // return index of duplicate
    int fdup_arr( int * arr, int n )
    int istep;

    bzero( x, sizeof( x )) ;

    for ( istep = 0 ; n–; istep++ )
    if ( x[*arr] )
    return istep;


    return -1 ;

    void pr_arr( int *arr, int size)
    int i;

    for( i = 0; i < size; i++ )
    printf( "%4d", *arr++ );

    printf( "\n" );

    int main ()
    int arr[MAX];
    int i;

    for( i=0; i < MAX; i++ )
    arr[i] = i + 1;
    arr[4] = 7;

    pr_arr( arr, MAX );

    printf( "Duplicated index: %d\n", fdup_arr( arr, MAX ) );

  16. temp said

    b = b xor a, if b = 0 return a, else a = b, b = arr[i++]

  17. Paul Hofstra said

    Maybe it is not the fastest code, but the Python code below works:

    def find(arr):
        return sum(arr) - sum(set(arr))
  18. slabounty said

    Using ruby and a hash table …

    def find_duplicate(a)
        h = {}
        a.each do |v| 
            return v if h[v] != nil
            h[v] = v
    a = [2, 3, 10, 20, 3, 1, 7, 9, 44, 200]
    puts "Duplicate = #{find_duplicate(a)}"
  19. Axio said
    exception Found of int;;
    module IntOrd = struct type t = int let compare = ( - ) end
    module IntMap = Map.Make(IntOrd);;
    let find_dup2 arr =
      (fun m v ->
          ignore (IntMap.find v m);
          raise (Found(v))
        with Not_found -> IntMap.add v true m)
    let my_array = [|1; 2; 4; 3; 1|];;
    find_dup2 my_array;;
  20. [javascript]
    * Program that found one duplicate given an array with integers between 1 and
    * 1,000,000.
    * @see
    * @author rmariuzzo
    var App = function() {

    this.findDuplicate = function(array) {
    var duplicated;
    for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
    for (var j = 0; j = 0 && array[j] <= 1000000) {
    duplicated = array[i];
    if (duplicated !== undefined) {
    return duplicated;


  21. In JavaScript using NodeJS:

     * Program that found one duplicate given an array with integers between 1 and
     * 1,000,000.
     * @see
     * @author rmariuzzo
    var App = function() {
        this.findDuplicate = function(array) {
            var duplicated;
            for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
                for (var j = 0; j = 0 && array[j] <= 1000000) {
                        duplicated = array[i];
                if (duplicated !== undefined) {
            return duplicated;
  22. tcbcb said

    Another solution is to sort the list and use a binary search to find the duplicate value. The insight is that the index of an element in the sorted list is either equal to the element or one greater than the element.

    Moving the indexes is a little different than vanilla binary search though:

    if ary[mid] == mid + 1:
    beg = mid + 1
    elif ary[mid] == mid:
    end = mid – 1

    Runs in O((N+1)log N).

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