Marriage Sort

August 20, 2010

Here is our version of marriage sort:

(define (msort! lt? vec) ; marriage sort
  (define (v i) (vector-ref vec i))
  (define (v! i x) (vector-set! vec i x))
  (define (swap! i j) (let ((t (v i))) (v! i (v j)) (v! j t)))
  (let* ((end (- (vector-length vec) 1))
         (skip (if (positive? end) (isqrt end) -1)))
    (while (<= 0 skip)
      (let ((vbest 0) (i 1))
        (while (< i skip)
          (when (lt? (v vbest) (v i)) (set! vbest i))
          (set! i (+ i 1)))
        (while (< i end)
          (if (lt? (v vbest) (v i))
              (begin (swap! i end) (set! end (- end 1)))
              (set! i (+ i 1))))
        (swap! vbest end)
        (set! end (- end 1))
        (set! skip (if (positive? end) (isqrt end) -1)))))
  (isort! lt? vec))

The outer while controls the recursive sweeps, the first of the inner whiles finds the largest value in the sample, and the second of the inner whiles moves large values to the end of the array; the final swap! moves the largest sample value just before the new end. The three pointers are named skip, end and i; vbest points to the largest value in the sample. Here is isort:

(define (isort! lt? vec) ; insertion sort
  (define (v i) (vector-ref vec i))
  (define (v! i x) (vector-set! vec i x))
  (define (swap! i j) (let ((t (v i))) (v! i (v j)) (v! j t)))
  (let ((n (vector-length vec)))
    (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((= i n))
      (do ((j i (- j 1)))
          ((or (<= j 0) (< (v (- j 1)) (v j))))
        (swap! (- j 1) j)))))

We used isqrt, when and while from the Standard Prelude. You can run the program at You might also enjoy a solution in Factor by John Benediktsson, who sometimes posts his solutions here at Programming Praxis, and from whom this post was stolen.

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4 Responses to “Marriage Sort”

  1. slabounty said

    Here’s a ruby version translated straight from the pseudo-code with “last” substituting for “end”. I took the insertion_sort straight from the wikipedia pseudo-code.

    class Array
        def swap(i, j)
            self[i], self[j] = self[j], self[i]
        def marriage_sort!
            last = self.length
            while true
                skip = Math.sqrt(last).to_i - 1
                break if skip <= 0
                # Pick the best element in the first vN - 1:
                best_pos = 0; i = 1
                while i < skip
                    best_pos = i if self[i] > self[best_pos]
                    i += 1
                # Now pull out elements >= self[bestPos], and move to the end:
                i = skip
                while i < last
                    if self[i] >= self[best_pos]
                        self.swap(i, last-1)
                        last -= 1
                        i += 1
                # Finally, move our best pivot element to the end
                self.swap(best_pos, last-1)
            # Finish off with insertion sort to put the elements into true sorted order
        def insertion_sort!
            self.each_index do |i|
                v = self[i]
                j = i-1
                done = false
                    if self[j] > v
                        self[j+1] = self[j]
                        j = j-1
                        done = true if j < 0
                        done = true
                end while done == false
                self[j+1] = v
    a = [5, 7, 8, 10, 3, 2, 9, 4, 6, 1]
    p a.marriage_sort!
  2. zcbenz said

    My C++ solution:

    #include <iostream>
    #include <algorithm>
    #include <math.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <time.h>
    using namespace std;
    void insertion_sort (int *begin, int *end) {
        int *itr = begin+1;
        while (itr < end) {
            int save = *itr;
            int *current = itr;
            while (current > begin) {
                if (save < *(current-1))
                    *current = *(current-1);
            *current = save;
    void marriage_sort (int *begin, int *end) {
        int *oend = end;
        int *skip = begin + (size_t)sqrt (end - begin);
        if (skip <= begin) return;
        int *maxi = max_element (begin, skip);
        while (skip < end) {
            if (*skip > *maxi) swap (*skip, *--end);
        swap (*maxi, *--oend);
        insertion_sort (begin, end);
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        srand (time (NULL));
        const size_t SIZE = 16;
        int array[SIZE];
        generate (array, array+SIZE,
                  []() { return rand()%40; });
        for_each (array, array+SIZE,
                  [](int n) { cout << n << " "; });
        cout << endl;
        insertion_sort (array, array+SIZE);
        for_each (array, array+SIZE,
                  [](int n) { cout << n << " "; });
        return 0;
  3. zcbenz said

    oops, insertion_sort (array, array+SIZE); should be marriage_sort (array, array+SIZE);

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