
November 2, 2010

An emirp is a prime number that is also prime when its digits are reversed, and that is not also a palindrome. For instance, 13 is an emirp because its reversal, 31, is also prime; 23 is not an emirp, even though it is prime, because its reversal, 32, is not prime; and 101 is not an emirp, even though it is prime, because it is a palindrome.

Your task is to enumerate the emirps below a million; you should strive for maximum speed. When you are finished, you are welcome to read or run a suggested solution, or to post your own solution or discuss the exercise in the comments below.

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17 Responses to “Emirps”

  1. […] Praxis – Emirps By Remco Niemeijer In today’s Programming Praxis, our task is to enumerate all the non-palindrome prime numbers that are still […]

  2. My Haskell solution (see http://bonsaicode.wordpress.com/2010/11/02/programming-praxis-emirps/ for a version with comments):

    import Data.Numbers.Primes
    emirps :: [Integer]
    emirps = [p | p <- primes, let rev = reverse (show p)
                , isPrime (read rev), show p /= rev]
    main :: IO ()
    main = print $ takeWhile (< 1000000) emirps
  3. Here is my Haskell solution: http://www.gleocadie.net/?p=178&lang=en

    import Data.List
    isPrime l =
        isPrimeHelper l primes
    isPrimeHelper a (p:ps) 
            | p*p > a = True
            | a `mod` p == 0 = False
            | otherwise = isPrimeHelper a ps 
    primes = 2 : filter isPrime [3,5..]
    permirps = drop 4 (takeWhile (<1000000) primes)
    isEmirps x =
      let sx = show x in
      let rev = reverse sx in
      sx /= rev &&  isPrimeHelper (read rev) primes
    emirps = filter isEmirps permirps
    main = print $ emirps

    Comments, advices are welcomed.

  4. fengshaun said

    I’m loving this website! Thanks a lot for the problems.

    import Data.Numbers.Primes
    emirps :: [Integer]
    emirps = filter (\a -> isEmirp a) . filter (\a -> not . isPalindrome $ a) . takeWhile (< 1000000) $ primes
               isPalindrome :: Integer -> Bool
               isPalindrome x = (reverse . show $ x) == (show x)
               isEmirp :: Integer -> Bool
               isEmirp x = isPrime . read . reverse . show $ x
    main :: IO ()
    main = print . show $ emirps
  5. fengshaun said

    I’m loving this website, thanks a lot!

    import Data.Numbers.Primes
    emirps :: [Integer]
    emirps = filter (\a -> isEmirp a) . filter (\a -> not . isPalindrome $ a) . takeWhile (< 1000000) $ primes
               isPalindrome :: Integer -> Bool
               isPalindrome x = (reverse . show $ x) == (show x)
               isEmirp :: Integer -> Bool
               isEmirp x = isPrime . read . reverse . show $ x
    main :: IO ()
    main = print . show $ emirps
  6. Joe Eisenberg said

    Love the site.

    from math import sqrt
    def prime(number):
    	if number == 2:
    		return True
    	f = round(sqrt(number))
    	for n in range(3,int(f)+1,2):
    		if number % n == 0:
    			return False
    	return True
    for n in range(1000001,11,-2):
    	if prime(n):
    		if prime(int(str(n)[::-1])):
    			print str(n) + ":" + str(n)[::-1]
  7. Joe Eisenberg said

    Sorry, line 14 should read

    if prime(int(str(n)[::-1])) and str(n) != str(n)[::-1]:

  8. Graham said

    @Joe: your prime() function isn’t quite correct. For instance, prime(10) returns True.

  9. Graham said

    Wrote it in python (though for speed, a different language may be better). In the interest of speed, I wrote a function called reverse(n) that writes n backwards using only numerical operations (avoiding strings). Interestingly, trying to memoize my is_prime() function made everything slower (perhaps due to memory usage?). Running ./emirps.py 1000000 took just under 15 seconds on my aging laptop. For more speed I used pypy (Python with a just in time compiler); it finished in just under 3 seconds.

    #!/usr/bin/env python2.6
    import math
    def reverse(n):
        Given integer n, returns n written backwards.
        Note: uses only numerical operations (not string ones) for speed.
        d, r = 0, 0
        while n > 0:
            l = int(math.log10(n))
            r += (10 ** d) * (n // (10 ** (l)))
            d += 1
            n %= (10**l)
        return r
    def is_prime(n):
        Simple check for primality, testing n mod k for odd k up to 1 + sqrt(n).
        if n == 2:
            return True
        elif n % 2 == 0:
            return False
            for k in xrange(3, 1 + int(math.sqrt(n)), 2):
                if n % k == 0:
                    return False
            return True
    def main(n):
        Prints out all emirps less than n.
        for p in xrange(2, n):
            r = reverse(p)
            if (is_prime(p)) and (r != p) and (is_prime(r)):
                print p
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        import sys
  10. Graham said

    Changing line 36 in main(n) from

    for p in xrange(2, n):


    for p in xrange(13, n, 2):

    yields a decent speed up; normal execution finishes in just under 11 seconds, while pypy finishes it in under 2.

  11. turuthok said

    Probably if you avoid using math.log10(n), you’ll end up with a faster execution.

  12. My C Implementation
    This one was easy one. ;)

  13. My C Implementation
    This one was easy one. ;)

  14. David said

    We can build on the sieve of Erastosthenes exercise to create a list of primes < 1,000,000. Since the output array of the sieve is sorted, we can use binary search on the table for O(log n) search of the sieve, when checking for whether each reversal is prime. The Factor code for sieve is already posted on this blog and won't be reproduced here.

    USING: kernel sequences vectors math math.parser locals
    binary-search sieve ;
    IN: emirp

    : emirp? ( n vec — ? )
    number>string dup reverse 2dup =
    [ 3drop f ]
    [ nip string>number swap sorted-member? ] if ;

    :: emirp-filter ( primes — semirp )
    V{ } clone
    [ dup primes emirp?
    [ suffix ]
    [ drop ] if
    ] each ;

    : Semirp ( n — vec )
    primes emirp-filter ;

    Factor session:

    ( scratchpad ) 100000 Semirp

    — Data stack:
    V{ 13 17 31 37 71 73 79 97 107 113 149 157 167 179 199…
    ( scratchpad ) length .

  15. David said

    Sorry, somehow the code block didn’t work on last post, probably got a tag wrong somewhere…

    We can build on the sieve of Erastosthenes exercise to create a list of primes < 1,000,000. Since the output array of the sieve is sorted, we can use binary search on the table for O(log n) search of the sieve, when checking for whether each reversal is prime. The Factor code for sieve is already posted on this blog and won't be reproduced here.

    USING: kernel sequences vectors math math.parser locals
    binary-search sieve ;
    IN: emirp

    : emirp? ( n vec — ? )
    number>string dup reverse 2dup =
    [ 3drop f ]
    [ nip string>number swap sorted-member? ] if ;

    :: emirp-filter ( primes — semirp )
    V{ } clone
    [ dup primes emirp?
    [ suffix ]
    [ drop ] if
    ] each ;

    : Semirp ( n — vec )
    primes emirp-filter ;

    Factor session:

    ( scratchpad ) 100000 Semirp

    — Data stack:
    V{ 13 17 31 37 71 73 79 97 107 113 149 157 167 179 199…
    ( scratchpad ) length .

  16. sealfin said

    November 2nd, 2010.c:

    #ifndef LEONARDO
    #error "This program requires Leonardo IDE to run."
    #include "seal_bool.h" /* <http://GitHub.com/sealfin/C-and-C-Plus-Plus/blob/master/seal_bool.h> */
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <time.h>
    #define N 1000000L
    #if N <= 0
    #error "N ≤ 0."
    long f_ReverseDigits_A( long p )
      long result = 0;
      while( p != 0 )
        result *= 10;
        result += ( p % 10 );
        p /= 10;
      return result;
    size_t f_NumberOfDigits( const long p )
      long i = 10;
      size_t number_of_digits = 1;
      while( p / i != 0 )
        i *= 10;
        number_of_digits ++;
      return number_of_digits;
    char *g_s;
    long f_ReverseDigits_B( const long p )
      static char *s = NULL;
      size_t i = 0, k;  
      if( s == NULL )
        s = ( char* )malloc( sizeof( char ) * ( f_NumberOfDigits( N ) + 1 ));
        g_s = s;
      sprintf( s, "%ld", p );
      k = strlen( s ) - 1;
      while( i < k )
        const char c = s[ i ];
        s[ i ] = s[ k ];
        s[ k ] = c;
        i ++;
        k --;
      return atol( s );
    bool g_isPrime[ N ];
    long g_numberOfPrimes = 0, *g_primes;
    bool f_IsPrime( const long p )
      if( p % 2 == 0 )
        return p == 2;
        return g_isPrime[ p ];
    void p_EnumerateEmirps( long ( *p_reverseDigits )( long ), const char * const p_fileName, long *p_secondsTaken )
      const time_t beginning_time = time( NULL );
      long i = 0;
      FILE *f = fopen( p_fileName, "w" );
      for( ; i < g_numberOfPrimes; i ++ )
        const long prime = g_primes[ i ];
        const long reversed_prime = p_reverseDigits( prime );
        if( f_IsPrime( reversed_prime ) && ( reversed_prime != prime ))
          fprintf( f, "%ld\n", prime );
      fclose( f );
      *p_secondsTaken = time( NULL ) - beginning_time;
    char *f_AllocateMemoryForAndSetMessage( const long p_secondsTaken, const char p_variant, const char p_terminator )
      size_t message_length = strlen( "• " );
      char *message;
      message_length += f_NumberOfDigits( p_secondsTaken );
      message_length += strlen( " second" );
      if( p_secondsTaken != 1 )
        message_length ++;
      message_length += strlen( " using the f_ReverseDigits_  function " );
      message = ( char* )malloc( sizeof( char ) * ( message_length + 1 ));
      sprintf( message, "• %ld second%s using the f_ReverseDigits_%c function%c", p_secondsTaken, ( p_secondsTaken != 1 )?"s":"", p_variant, p_terminator );
      return message;
    void main( void )
      long i = 0, k, seconds_taken_A, seconds_taken_B;
      /* Firstly, let's determine the prime numbers in the range [ 0, N ) so that later we can test if a reversed prime number is still a prime number. */
      for( ; i < N; i ++ )
        g_isPrime[ i ] = true;
      if( N >= 1 )
        g_isPrime[ 0 ] = false;
      if( N >= 2 )
        g_isPrime[ 1 ] = false;
      if( N >= 3 )
        g_numberOfPrimes ++;
      for( i = 3; i < N; i += 2 )
        if( g_isPrime[ i ] )
          g_numberOfPrimes ++;
          for( k = i + i; k < N; k += i )
            g_isPrime[ k ] = false;
      /* Secondly, let's create a list of the prime numbers in the range [ 0, N ) so that later we can iterate through that list of prime numbers, testing if each prime number is also an emirp. */
      g_primes = ( long* )malloc( sizeof( long ) * g_numberOfPrimes );
      k = 0;
      if( N >= 3 )
        g_primes[ k ++ ] = 2;
      for( i = 3; k < g_numberOfPrimes; i += 2 )
        if( f_IsPrime( i ))
          g_primes[ k ++ ] = i;
      p_EnumerateEmirps( f_ReverseDigits_A, "November 2nd, 2010 (A).out", &seconds_taken_A );
      p_EnumerateEmirps( f_ReverseDigits_B, "November 2nd, 2010 (B).out", &seconds_taken_B );
      free( g_primes );
      free( g_s );
        float height_A, height_B;
        char *message = ( char* )malloc( sizeof( char ) * ( strlen( "To enumerate the emirps less than " ) + f_NumberOfDigits( N ) + strlen( " took:" ) + 1 )), *message_A, *message_B;
        sprintf( message, "To enumerate the emirps less than %ld took:", N );
        if( seconds_taken_A > seconds_taken_B )
          height_A = 100;
          height_B = 100 * (( float )seconds_taken_B / seconds_taken_A );
          height_A = 100 * (( float )seconds_taken_A / seconds_taken_B );
          height_B = 100;
        // Set-up the view.
        View( Out 0 );
        ViewOrigin( Out 100, Out 112, 0 );
        SmallText( Out 0, Out 0, Out 11, Out String, Out L, Out Left, 0 )
          Assign L = message;
        // Set-up the bar chart for the f_ReverseDigits_A function.
        message_A = f_AllocateMemoryForAndSetMessage( seconds_taken_A, 'A', ';' );
        RectangleFrameColor( 1, Out Cyan, 0 );
        Rectangle( Out 1, Out -36, Out Y, Out 30, Out H, 0 )
          Assign Y = -1 * height_A H = height_A;
        LineColor( 1, Out Cyan, 0 );
        Line( Out 1, Out -30, Out Y1, Out 0, Out Y2, 0 )
          Assign Y1, Y2 = -1 * height_A - 6;
        Line( Out 1, Out 0, Out Y, Out 0, Out -6, 0 )
          Assign Y = -1 * height_A - 6;
        Line( Out 1, Out -36, Out Y1, Out -30, Out Y2, 0 )
          Assign Y1 = -1 * height_A Y2 = -1 * height_A - 6;
        Line( Out 1, Out -6, Out Y1, Out 0, Out Y2, 0 )
          Assign Y1 = -1 * height_A Y2 = -1 * height_A - 6;
        Line( Out 1, Out -6, Out -1, Out 0, Out -6, 0 );
        SmallTextColor( 1, Out Cyan, 0 );
        SmallText( Out 1, Out 0, Out 22, Out String, Out L, Out Left, 0 )
          Assign L = message_A;
        // Set-up the bar chart for the f_ReverseDigits_B function.
        message_B = f_AllocateMemoryForAndSetMessage( seconds_taken_B, 'B', '.' );
        RectangleFrameColor( 2, Out Magenta, 0 );
        Rectangle( Out 2, Out 6, Out Y, Out 30, Out H, 0 )
          Assign Y = -1 * height_B H = height_B;
        LineColor( 2, Out Magenta, 0 );
        Line( Out 2, Out 12, Out Y1, Out 42, Out Y2, 0 )
          Assign Y1, Y2 = -1 * height_B - 6;
        Line( Out 2, Out 42, Out Y, Out 42, Out -6, 0 )
          Assign Y = -1 * height_B - 6;
        Line( Out 2, Out 6, Out Y1, Out 12, Out Y2, 0 )
          Assign Y1 = -1 * height_B Y2 = -1 * height_B - 6;
        Line( Out 2, Out 36, Out Y1, Out 42, Out Y2, 0 )
          Assign Y1 = -1 * height_B Y2 = -1 * height_B - 6;
        Line( Out 2, Out 36, Out -1, Out 42, Out -6, 0 );
        SmallTextColor( 2, Out Magenta, 0 );
        SmallText( Out 2, Out 0, Out 33, Out String, Out L, Out Left, 0 )
          Assign L = message_B;
        free( message );
        free( message_A );
        free( message_B );

    The solution interpreted using Leonardo IDE 3.4.1 on an Apple Power Mac G4 (AGP Graphics) (450MHz processor, 1GB memory) running Mac OS 9.2.2 (International English).

    “November 2nd, 2010 (A).out” & “November 2nd, 2010 (B).out”:

    [11,112 lines omitted]

    I interpreted the instruction that I “should strive for maximum speed” as an invitation to compare two functions for reversing the digits of an integer. The results were surprising: the function f_ReverseDigits_B, which reverses the digits of an integer by converting that integer into a string, reversing the characters of that string, and converting that string back into an integer, was as fast – and on occasion faster and on no occasion slower – than the function f_ReverseDigits_A, which reverses the digits of an integer arithmetically.

    (I’m just trying to solve the problems posed by this ‘site whilst I try to get a job; I’m well aware that my solutions are far from the best – but, in my defence, I don’t have any traditional qualifications in computer science :/ )

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