House Of Representatives

April 12, 2011

The United States counts its citizens every ten years, and the result of that census is used to allocate the 435 congressional seats in the House of Representatives to the 50 States. Since 1940, that allocation has been done using a method devised by Edward Huntington and Joseph Hill that minimizes percentage differences in the sizes of the congressional districts.

The Huntington-Hill method begins by assigning one representative to each State. Then each of the remaining representatives is assigned to a State in a succession of rounds by computing g(n, p) = \frac{p}{\sqrt{n(n+1)}} for each State, where n is the current number of representatives (initially 1), p is the population of the State, and g(n, p) is the State’s population divided by the geometric mean of the current number of representatives and the number of representatives that the State would have if it was assigned the next representative. The geometric mean g(n, p) is calculated for each State at each round and the representative assigned to the State with the highest geometric mean g(n, p).

For instance, once each State has been assigned one representative, the geometric mean g(n, p) for each State is its population divided by the square root of 2. Since California has the biggest population, it gets the 51st representative. Then its geometric mean is recalculated as its population divided by the square root of 2 × 3 = 6, and in the second round the 52nd representative is assigned to Texas, which has the second-highest population, since it now has the largest geometric mean g(n, p). This continues for 435 − 50 = 385 rounds until all the representatives have been assigned.

Your task is to compute the apportionment of seats in the House of Representatives; the population data is given on the next page. When you are finished, you are welcome to read or run a suggested solution, or to post your own solution or discuss the exercise in the comments below.

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13 Responses to “House Of Representatives”

  1. […] today’s Programming Praxis exercise, our goal is to calculate the amount of seats each state gets in the […]

  2. My Haskell solution (see for a version with comments):

    import Control.Arrow
    import qualified Data.List.Key as K
    import qualified Data.Map as M
    popData :: M.Map String Integer
    popData = M.fromList [("Alabama",4779736), ("Alaska",710231),
      ("Arizona",6392017), ("Arkansas",2915918), ("California",37253956),
      ("Colorado",5029196), ("Connecticut",3574097), ("Delaware",897934),
      ("Florida",18801310), ("Georgia",9687653), ("Hawaii",1360301),
      ("Idaho",1567582), ("Illinois",12830632), ("Indiana",6483802),
      ("Iowa",3046355), ("Kansas",2853118), ("Kentucky",4339367),
      ("Louisiana",4533372), ("Maine",1328361), ("Maryland",5773552),
      ("Massachusetts",6547629), ("Michigan",9883640), ("Minnesota",5303925),
      ("Mississippi",2967297), ("Missouri",5988927), ("Montana",989415),
      ("Nebraska",1826341), ("Nevada",2700551), ("New Hampshire",1316470),
      ("New Jersey",8791894), ("New Mexico",2059179), ("New York",19378102),
      ("North Carolina",9535483), ("North Dakota",672591), ("Ohio",11536504),
      ("Oklahoma",3751351), ("Oregon",3831074), ("Pennsylvania",12702379),
      ("Rhode Island",1052567), ("South Carolina",4625364), ("South Dakota",814180),
      ("Tennessee",6346105), ("Texas",25145561), ("Utah",2763885),
      ("Vermont",625741), ("Virginia",8001024), ("Washington",6724540),
      ("West Virginia",1852994), ("Wisconsin",5686986), ("Wyoming",563626)]
    house :: Int -> M.Map String Integer
    house seats = fst $ iterate add ( ((,) 1) popData) !! k where
        add m = M.adjust (first succ) (maxMean m) m
        maxMean = fst . K.maximum (uncurry g . snd) . M.toList
        g n p = f p / sqrt (f n * (f n + 1)) where f = fromIntegral
        k = seats - M.size popData + 1
    main :: IO ()
    main = print . K.sort (negate . snd) . M.toList $ house 435
  3. Dave Webb said

    A Python solution:

    population_data = (
      ("Alabama", 4779736), ("Alaska", 710231),
      ("Arizona", 6392017), ("Arkansas", 2915918), ("California", 37253956),
      ("Colorado", 5029196), ("Connecticut", 3574097), ("Delaware", 897934),
      ("Florida", 18801310), ("Georgia", 9687653), ("Hawaii", 1360301),
      ("Idaho", 1567582), ("Illinois", 12830632), ("Indiana", 6483802),
      ("Iowa", 3046355), ("Kansas", 2853118), ("Kentucky", 4339367),
      ("Louisiana", 4533372), ("Maine", 1328361), ("Maryland", 5773552),
      ("Massachusetts", 6547629), ("Michigan", 9883640), ("Minnesota", 5303925),
      ("Mississippi", 2967297), ("Missouri", 5988927), ("Montana", 989415),
      ("Nebraska", 1826341), ("Nevada", 2700551), ("New Hampshire", 1316470),
      ("New Jersey", 8791894), ("New Mexico", 2059179), ("New York", 19378102),
      ("North Carolina", 9535483), ("North Dakota", 672591), ("Ohio", 11536504),
      ("Oklahoma", 3751351), ("Oregon", 3831074), ("Pennsylvania", 12702379),
      ("Rhode Island", 1052567), ("South Carolina", 4625364), 
      ("South Dakota", 814180), ("Tennessee", 6346105), ("Texas", 25145561),
      ("Utah", 2763885), ("Vermont", 625741), ("Virginia", 8001024), 
      ("Washington", 6724540), ("West Virginia", 1852994), ("Wisconsin", 5686986),
      ("Wyoming", 563626)
    import math
    class State(object):
        def __init__(self,name,population):
   = name
            self.population = population
            self.reps = 0
        def add_rep(self):
            self.reps += 1
            self.gmean = self.population / math.sqrt(self.reps * (self.reps + 1))
        def __str__(self):
            return "%s (%d)" % (,self.reps)
    states = [State(name,population) for name,population in population_data]
    remaining = 435 - len(states)
    while remaining > 0:
        max(states,key=lambda x: x.gmean).add_rep()
        remaining -= 1
    print "\n".join(str(state) for state in states)
  4. arturasl said

    My solution and first attempt to play with upcoming C++0x standard (compiles nicely with GCC version 4.5): github
    Thought I should admit that before posting I have read the solution and understood that using sorted vector and insertion via lower_bound function is not as nice as using priority queue :)

  5. Maurits said

    For this one I reformatted the source file as:

    Alabama: 4779736
    Alaska: 710231
    Arizona: 6392017

    use strict;
    my $DEBUG = 0;
    sub load();
    sub calculate();
    sub display();
    sub update_ppr($);
    my %states;
    sub load() {
    	open(STATES, "states.txt") or die("Could not open states.txt: $!");
    	my @lines = <STATES>;
    	for my $line (@lines) {
    		die "invalid line: $line" unless $line =~ /^(.+?):\s*(\d+)$/;
    		$states{$1}{population} = $2;
    sub calculate() {
    	my $total = 0;
    	# assign one representative to each state
    	# and calculate people-per-representative
    	for my $state (keys %states) {
    		$states{$state}{reps} = 1;
    	# add a rep to the "most deserving" state until we have all 435 reps
    	until (435 == $total) {
    		my $highest_ppr = 0;
    		my $state_with_highest_ppr = "";
    		# find the most deserving state
    		for my $state (keys %states) {
    			if ($states{$state}{ppr} > $highest_ppr) {
    				$highest_ppr = $states{$state}{ppr};
    				$state_with_highest_ppr = $state;
    			} elsif ($states{$state}{ppr} == $highest_ppr) {
    				die("Two states with exactly the same ppr");
    		$DEBUG and print "$state_with_highest_ppr has a ppr of $highest_ppr; adding representative #", $states{$state_with_highest_ppr}{reps} + 1, "\n";
    sub update_ppr($) {
    	my $state = shift;
    	# ppr = population / sqrt(reps * (reps + 1))
    	$state->{ppr} = $state->{population} / sqrt( $state->{reps} * ($state->{reps} + 1) );
    sub display() {
    	my $reps = 0;
    	for my $state (sort keys %states) {
    		$reps += $states{$state}{reps};
    		print $state, "\t", $states{$state}{reps}, "\n";
    	print "---\n";
    	print "Total\t", $reps, "\n";
  6. Graham said

    My Python solution.
    My original solution involved a State class, but pylint objected that it didn't have enough public methods to warrant its own class.

  7. Graham said

    Apologies for the incorrectly clsoed “code” tag above; only State should be tagged.

  8. Mike said

    Note that in python’s heapq module, heappop returns the smallest item. Here we want the state with the largest geomean. So we use -geomean to get the desired ordering.

    Interstingly, Montana has the lowest representation, with 1 rep per 989k people, and Rhode Island has the highest, with 1 representative per 526k people.

    from heapq import heapify, heappop, heappush
    from math import sqrt
    NREPS = 435
    popdata = (
      ("Alabama", 4779736), ("Alaska", 710231),
      ("Arizona", 6392017), ("Arkansas", 2915918), ("California", 37253956),
      ("Colorado", 5029196), ("Connecticut", 3574097), ("Delaware", 897934),
      ("Florida", 18801310), ("Georgia", 9687653), ("Hawaii", 1360301),
      ("Idaho", 1567582), ("Illinois", 12830632), ("Indiana", 6483802),
      ("Iowa", 3046355), ("Kansas", 2853118), ("Kentucky", 4339367),
      ("Louisiana", 4533372), ("Maine", 1328361), ("Maryland", 5773552),
      ("Massachusetts", 6547629), ("Michigan", 9883640), ("Minnesota", 5303925),
      ("Mississippi", 2967297), ("Missouri", 5988927), ("Montana", 989415),
      ("Nebraska", 1826341), ("Nevada", 2700551), ("New Hampshire", 1316470),
      ("New Jersey", 8791894), ("New Mexico", 2059179), ("New York", 19378102),
      ("North Carolina", 9535483), ("North Dakota", 672591), ("Ohio", 11536504),
      ("Oklahoma", 3751351), ("Oregon", 3831074), ("Pennsylvania", 12702379),
      ("Rhode Island", 1052567), ("South Carolina", 4625364),
      ("South Dakota", 814180), ("Tennessee", 6346105), ("Texas", 25145561),
      ("Utah", 2763885), ("Vermont", 625741), ("Virginia", 8001024),
      ("Washington", 6724540), ("West Virginia", 1852994), ("Wisconsin", 5686986),
      ("Wyoming", 563626)
    def geomean(reps, pop):
        return pop/sqrt(reps*(reps+1))
    states = [(-geomean(1, pop), 1, state, pop) for state,pop in popdata]
    for n in range(NREPS - len(states)):
        g, reps, state, pop = heappop(states)
        heappush(states, (-geomean(reps + 1, pop), reps + 1, state, pop))
    fmt = "{:2}  {:14}  {:8} {}"
    print fmt.format('nr', 'state', 'pop', 'pop/nr')
    for g, reps, state, pop in sorted(states, key=lambda t:t[1], reverse=True):
        print fmt.format(reps, state, pop, pop/reps)
  9. slabounty said

    Not very ruby like in some ways (use of arrays) but pretty darn small …

    state_pop_data  = [["Alabama", 4779736, 1], ["Alaska", 710231, 1],
      ["Arizona", 6392017, 1], ["Arkansas", 2915918, 1], ["California", 37253956, 1],
      ["Colorado", 5029196, 1], ["Connecticut", 3574097, 1], ["Delaware", 897934, 1],
      ["Florida", 18801310, 1], ["Georgia", 9687653, 1], ["Hawaii", 1360301, 1],
      ["Idaho", 1567582, 1], ["Illinois", 12830632, 1], ["Indiana", 6483802, 1],
      ["Iowa", 3046355, 1], ["Kansas", 2853118, 1], ["Kentucky", 4339367, 1],
      ["Louisiana", 4533372, 1], ["Maine", 1328361, 1], ["Maryland", 5773552, 1],
      ["Massachusetts", 6547629, 1], ["Michigan", 9883640, 1], ["Minnesota", 5303925, 1],
      ["Mississippi", 2967297, 1], ["Missouri", 5988927, 1], ["Montana", 989415, 1],
      ["Nebraska", 1826341, 1], ["Nevada", 2700551, 1], ["New Hampshire", 1316470, 1],
      ["New Jersey", 8791894, 1], ["New Mexico", 2059179, 1], ["New York", 19378102, 1],
      ["North Carolina", 9535483, 1], ["North Dakota", 672591, 1], ["Ohio", 11536504, 1],
      ["Oklahoma", 3751351, 1], ["Oregon", 3831074, 1], ["Pennsylvania", 12702379, 1],
      ["Rhode Island", 1052567, 1], ["South Carolina", 4625364, 1], ["South Dakota", 814180, 1],
      ["Tennessee", 6346105, 1], ["Texas", 25145561, 1], ["Utah", 2763885, 1],
      ["Vermont", 625741, 1], ["Virginia", 8001024, 1], ["Washington", 6724540, 1],
      ["West Virginia", 1852994, 1], ["Wisconsin", 5686986, 1],["Wyoming", 563626, 1]]
    def g(p, n)
        p / Math.sqrt(n * (n+1))
    (1..385).each { state_pop_data[state_pop_data.collect{ |s| g(s[1], s[2]) }.each_with_index.max[1]][2] += 1 }
    state_pop_data.sort_by!{ |s| -s[2] }.each do |s|
        puts "#{s[0]} Population = #{s[1]} Representatives: #{s[2]}"

    I set the number of representatives to 1 in the initial data. The tricky line is line 23, so let’s step through it. We know we have 385 representatives left so we’ll go through each of them. The next piece is the collect which will generate an array of the g(n, p) values. We then do the each_with_index.max which returns an array of the maximum and the index of the maximum and we grab the index out of the [1] value. We then add 1 to the [2] value (representatives) of the state_pop_data array.

  10. Rainer said

    My try in REXX

    state_pop =  '("Alabama" 4779736) ("Alaska" 710231)',
                 '("Arizona" 6392017) ("Arkansas" 2915918) ("California" 37253956)',
                 '("Colorado" 5029196) ("Connecticut" 3574097) ("Delaware" 897934)',
                 '("Florida" 18801310) ("Georgia" 9687653) ("Hawaii" 1360301)',
                 '("Idaho" 1567582) ("Illinois" 12830632) ("Indiana" 6483802)',
                 '("Iowa" 3046355) ("Kansas" 2853118) ("Kentucky" 4339367)',
                 '("Louisiana" 4533372) ("Maine" 1328361) ("Maryland" 5773552)',
                 '("Massachusetts" 6547629) ("Michigan" 9883640) ("Minnesota" 5303925)',
                 '("Mississippi" 2967297) ("Missouri" 5988927) ("Montana" 989415)',
                 '("Nebraska" 1826341) ("Nevada" 2700551) ("New Hampshire" 1316470)',
                 '("New Jersey" 8791894) ("New Mexico" 2059179) ("New York" 19378102)',
                 '("North Carolina" 9535483) ("North Dakota" 672591) ("Ohio" 11536504)',
                 '("Oklahoma" 3751351) ("Oregon" 3831074) ("Pennsylvania" 12702379)',
                 '("Rhode Island" 1052567) ("South Carolina" 4625364) ("South Dakota" 814180)',
                 '("Tennessee" 6346105) ("Texas" 25145561) ("Utah" 2763885)',
                 '("Vermont" 625741) ("Virginia" 8001024) ("Washington" 6724540)',
                 '("West Virginia" 1852994) ("Wisconsin" 5686986) ("Wyoming" 563626)'
    sta. = ''
    pop. = 0
    rep. = 1
    call build_arrays
    call assignment
    call report
        do i = 1 to 385
            max = 0
            do j = 1 to 50
                geo_mean = pop.j / sqrt(rep.j * (rep.j+1))
                if geo_mean > max then do
                    ind = j 
                    max = geo_mean
            rep.ind = rep.ind + 1
        say 'Ind  State               Population   Repr.'
        say copies('-',43)
        total_reps = 0
        do i = 1 to 50
            total_reps = total_reps + rep.i
            aus = overlay(right(i,3),aus,1,3)
            aus = overlay(sta.i,aus,6,20)
            aus = overlay(right(pop.i,9),aus,26,9)
            aus = overlay(right(rep.i,5)sta.i,aus,39,5)
            say aus
        say ''
        say 'Total of Representatives =' total_reps
        ind = 0
        do while length(state_pop) > 0
            parse value state_pop with '("'state'"'pop')' state_pop
            ind = ind + 1
            sta.ind = state
            pop.ind = pop
        /* z/VM V5R2.0 REXX/VM User's Guide */
        arg num                             
        xnew = num                          
        eps = 0.5 * 10**(1+fuzz()-digits())
        do until abs(xold-xnew) < (eps*xnew)
            xold = xnew 
            xnew = 0.5 * (xold + num / xold)  
        xnew = xnew / 1 /* strip unnecessary zeros */
        return xnew
  11. David said

    Factor language code. Kind of clunky since heaps are not treated as sequences, so result needs to be converted to an array for printing. Also more stack shuffling than usual is used here.

    USING: kernel math math.order math.functions heaps sequences accessors arrays formatting sorting ;
    IN: house
    CONSTANT: #seats 435
    CONSTANT: state_pop_data {
      { "Alabama" 4779736 }        { "Alaska" 710231 }
      { "Arizona" 6392017 }        { "Arkansas" 2915918 }       { "California" 37253956 }
      { "Colorado" 5029196 }       { "Connecticut" 3574097 }    { "Delaware" 897934 }
      { "Florida" 18801310 }       { "Georgia" 9687653 }        { "Hawaii" 1360301 }
      { "Idaho" 1567582 }          { "Illinois" 12830632 }      { "Indiana" 6483802 }
      { "Iowa" 3046355 }           { "Kansas" 2853118 }         { "Kentucky" 4339367 }
      { "Louisiana" 4533372 }      { "Maine" 1328361 }          { "Maryland" 5773552 }
      { "Massachusetts" 6547629 }  { "Michigan" 9883640 }       { "Minnesota" 5303925 }
      { "Mississippi" 2967297 }    { "Missouri" 5988927 }       { "Montana" 989415 }
      { "Nebraska" 1826341 }       { "Nevada" 2700551 }         { "New Hampshire" 1316470 }
      { "New Jersey" 8791894 }     { "New Mexico" 2059179 }     { "New York" 19378102 }
      { "North Carolina" 9535483 } { "North Dakota" 672591 }    { "Ohio" 11536504 }
      { "Oklahoma" 3751351 }       { "Oregon" 3831074 }         { "Pennsylvania" 12702379 }
      { "Rhode Island" 1052567 }   { "South Carolina" 4625364 } { "South Dakota" 814180 }
      { "Tennessee" 6346105 }      { "Texas" 25145561 }         { "Utah" 2763885 }
      { "Vermont" 625741 }         { "Virginia" 8001024 }       { "Washington" 6724540 }
      { "West Virginia" 1852994 }  { "Wisconsin" 5686986 }      { "Wyoming" 563626 }
    : geomean (  p n -- g  )
        dup 1 + * sqrt / ;
    TUPLE: state  name pop reps ;
    : init  ( -- heap )
        state_pop_data [
           first2 1 state boa
           dup [ pop>> ] [ reps>> ] bi geomean
           pick heap-push
        ] each ;
    : step  ( heap -- )
        dup heap-pop drop
        [ name>> ] [ pop>> ] [ reps>> 1 + ] tri  
        2dup geomean  [ state boa ] dip  rot heap-push ;
    : huntington-hill  ( heap -- heap )
        #seats state_pop_data length - [ dup step ] times ;
    : extract ( heap -- vec )
        V{ } clone swap
        state_pop_data length [
            dup heap-pop drop
            [ name>> ] [ reps>> ] bi 2array
            swapd suffix swap 
        ] times drop ;
    : report ( vec -- )
        [ [ second ] bi@ swap <=> ] sort
        [ first2 "%-20s %d\n" printf ] each ;
    : house ( -- )
        init  huntington-hill  extract  report ;

    ( scratchpad ) house
    California 53
    Texas 36
    New York 27
    Florida 27
    Illinois 18
    Pennsylvania 18
    Ohio 16
    Michigan 14
    Georgia 14
    North Carolina 13
    New Jersey 12
    Virginia 11
    Washington 10

  12. Khanh Nguyen said

    In F#,

    open System
    open System.Collections.Generic
    let data = [("Alabama", 4779736,1); ("Alaska", 710231,1);
      ("Nebraska",1826341,1);("Nevada",2700551,1);("New Hampshire",1316470,1);
      ("New Jersey",8791894,1);("New Mexico",2059179,1);("New York",19378102,1);
      ("North Carolina",9535483,1);("North Dakota",672591,1);("Ohio",11536504,1);
      ("Rhode Island",1052567,1);("South Carolina",4625364,1);("South Dakota",814180,1);
      ("West Virginia",1852994,1);("Wisconsin",5686986,1);("Wyoming",563626,1)]
    let rec assign data = 
        let totalAssigned = List.sumBy (fun (s,p,n) -> n) data
        if totalAssigned < 435 then
            let (s, p, n) = List.maxBy (fun (_, pop, num) -> float(pop) / sqrt (((float)num + 1.0) * (float)num)) data
            assign ((s,p, n+1) :: (List.filter (fun (x,_,_) -> x <> s) data))
            data |> List.sortBy (fun (_,_,n) -> -n) 
    assign data
  13. In scala. It could be a bit shorter if I made seats mutable in the State class. Now I have to remove the old State from the List and add the one with the added seat. Not very efficient :)

    case class State(name:String, population:Int, seats:Int = 1){
    	val g = population / scala.math.sqrt(seats * (seats +1))
    object Hor {
    	val states = List(("Alabama", 4779736), ("Alaska", 710231),
    		("Arizona", 6392017), ("Arkansas", 2915918), ("California", 37253956),
    		("Colorado", 5029196), ("Connecticut", 3574097), ("Delaware", 897934),
    		("Florida", 18801310), ("Georgia", 9687653), ("Hawaii", 1360301),
    		("Idaho", 1567582), ("Illinois", 12830632), ("Indiana", 6483802),
    		("Iowa", 3046355), ("Kansas", 2853118), ("Kentucky", 4339367),
    		("Louisiana", 4533372), ("Maine", 1328361), ("Maryland", 5773552),
    		("Massachusetts", 6547629), ("Michigan", 9883640), ("Minnesota", 5303925),
    		("Mississippi", 2967297), ("Missouri", 5988927), ("Montana", 989415),
    		("Nebraska", 1826341), ("Nevada", 2700551), ("New Hampshire", 1316470),
    		("New Jersey", 8791894), ("New Mexico", 2059179), ("New York", 19378102),
    		("North Carolina", 9535483), ("North Dakota", 672591), ("Ohio", 11536504),
    		("Oklahoma", 3751351), ("Oregon", 3831074), ("Pennsylvania", 12702379),
    		("Rhode Island", 1052567), ("South Carolina", 4625364), ("South Dakota", 814180),
    		("Tennessee", 6346105), ("Texas", 25145561), ("Utah", 2763885),
    		("Vermont", 625741), ("Virginia", 8001024), ("Washington", 6724540),
    		("West Virginia", 1852994), ("Wisconsin", 5686986), ("Wyoming", 563626)).map(x=> State(x._1,x._2)).sortBy(_.g);
    	def divideSeats(states : List[State], seatsLeft:Int) : List[State] = {
    		if(seatsLeft == 0) {
    			return states.sortBy(_.seats * -1);
    		val max = states.maxBy(_.g)
    		val added = max.copy(seats = max.seats+1)
    		val newStates = added :: states.filter( !=
    		return divideSeats(newStates,seatsLeft-1)

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