Stepwise Program Development: A Heuristic Algorithm

December 11, 2012

Here is Wirth’s solution, the final result of several rewrites; it gives only unique solutions, excluding those that are identical except for substituting one symbol of the alphabet for another:

var S: array[1 .. N] of char;
    m: integer; good: Boolean;

procedure extend;
    begin m := m + 1; S[m] := ‘1’; end;

procedure change;
    begin while S[m] = ‘3’ do m := m – 1;
               S[m] := succ(S[m]);

procedure check;
    var i, L, mhalf: integer;
    begin good := true; L := 0; mhalf := m div 2;
               while good ∧ (L < mhalf) do
               begin L := L + 1; i := 0;
                         repeat good := S[mi] ≠ S[mLi]; i := i + 1
                         until good ∨ (i = L)

procedure print;
    var i: integer;
    begin for i := 1 to N do write(S[i]);

begin m := 2; S[1] := ‘1’; S[2] := ‘2’; good = true;
    repeat if good then
                     if m = N then begin print; change end
                     else extend
                else change;
    until m = 2

Wirth’s typography is beautiful, but gave me a jolly time trying to recreate it. Somebody will have to explain to me how a semicolon is a statement separator rather than a statement terminator in Pascal. I won’t try to explain the whole program (Wirth takes eight dense pages to do so), but the basic idea is that a starting sequence is extended if possible, changed if not, and backtracks only when necessary. If you can, get the book, either from a used book store or from a library, as Wirth’s explanation is highly rewarding. Here is my direct translation to Scheme:

(define (wirth n)

  (let ((s (make-vector (+ n 1) #f))
        (m 0) (good #f))

    (define (extend)
      (set! m (+ m 1))
      (vector-set! s m #\1))

    (define (change)
      (while (char=? (vector-ref s m) #\3)
        (set! m (- m 1)))
      (vector-set! s m (succ (vector-ref s m))))

    (define (check)
      (let ((i 0) (l 0) (mhalf 0))
        (set! good #t)
        (set! l 0)
        (set! mhalf (quotient m 2))
        (while (and good (< l mhalf))
          (set! l (+ l 1))
          (set! i 0)
            (set! good
              (not (char=?
                (vector-ref s (- m i))
                (vector-ref s (- m l i)))))
            (set! i (+ i 1))
            (until (or good (= i l)))))))

    (define (print)
      (do ((i 1 (+ i 1))) ((< n i))
        (display (vector-ref s i)))

    (set! m 2)
    (vector-set! s 1 #\1)
    (vector-set! s 2 #\2)
    (set! good #t)
      (if good
          (if (= m n)
              (begin (print) (change))
      (until (= m 2)))))

A sample run is shown below:

> (wirth 5)

The code for while, repeat and succ is shown at, where you can run the program.

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28 Responses to “Stepwise Program Development: A Heuristic Algorithm”

  1. Paul said

    A Python version. I did not look at Wirth’s best solution. I tried to solve it without looking at his method. This was my first attempt and it worked immediately.

    import itertools
    CHOICES = [1, 2, 3]
    def check_sub_seq(seq):
        n = len(seq)
        halfn = n // 2 if n & 1 == 0 else n // 2 + 1
        for nss, start in enumerate(range(n-1, halfn - 1, -1), 1):
            if seq[start:] == seq[start - nss:n - nss]:
                return False
        return True
    def brute_search(n):
        """use a queue for all possiblilities"""
        Q  = [CHOICES[:-1]]
        while Q:
            seq = Q.pop()
            for c in CHOICES:
                newseq = seq + [c]
                if check_sub_seq(newseq):
                    if len(newseq) == n:
                        yield newseq
    for i, seq in zip(itertools.count(1), brute_search(12)):
        print i, "".join(str(i) for i in seq)
  2. Paul said

    A more elegant version, that uses recursion.

    CHOICES = [1, 2, 3]
    def check_sub_seq(seq):
        n = len(seq)
        halfn = n // 2 if n & 1 == 0 else n // 2 + 1
        for nss, start in enumerate(range(n-1, halfn - 1, -1), 1):
            if seq[start:] == seq[start - nss:n - nss]:
                return False
        return True
    def search(seq, n):
        for c in CHOICES:
            newseq = seq + [c]
            if check_sub_seq(newseq):
                if len(newseq) == n:
                    print "".join(str(i) for i in newseq)
                    search(newseq, n)
    search([1,2], 12)
  3. […] today’s exercise, our goal is to write an algorithm that, given an alphabet and a length, generates all […]

  4. My Haskell solution (see for a version with comments):

    import Control.Monad
    import Data.List
    nonAdjacent :: Ord a => [a] -> Int -> [[a]]
    nonAdjacent xs = sort . filter (and . zipWith (==) xs . nub) . f where
        f 0 = [[]]
        f n = filter (\x -> not . or . tail $ zipWith isPrefixOf (inits x) (tails x)) $
              liftM2 (:) xs (f $ n - 1)
    main :: IO ()
    main = do mapM_ putStrLn $ nonAdjacent "123" 5
              mapM_ putStrLn $ nonAdjacent "123" 12
              mapM_ putStrLn $ nonAdjacent "123" 20
  5. Tim Slatcher said

    My haskell solution. I’m not sure if it has optimum running time. Running “generate n” generates all possible sequences for a given N. If you run ‘take 1 (generate n)’, the lazyness of haskell should allow a fairly fast generation of a new solution.

    split xs n	= (take n xs, take n (drop n xs))
    --given ys is legal, checks that (y:ys) is also legal
    check xs	= foldl (\a (ys, zs) -> if ys == zs then True else a) False (map (split xs) [1..((length xs) `div` 2)])
    alphabet = [1,2,3]
    generate 0 = [[]]
    generate n = foldl (\ys zs -> if check zs then ys else zs:ys) [] (concat ( map (\x -> map (\y -> y:x) alphabet) (generate (n-1))))
  6. Peter Klausler said

    lists _ 0 = [[]]
    lists set n = [ l’ | l <- lists set (n-1), x <- set, let l' = l ++ [x], ok l' ]
    ok l' = and [ a /= b | j <- [1 .. n `quot` 2],
    let (a,b) = splitAt j $ drop (n-j-j) l' ]

    main = print $ lists "123" 10

  7. Let the regular expression engine do the hard work…

    use strict;
    use warnings;

    # $> perl 5 3
    # Found 198 solutions

    my @asolutions = generate(
    $ARGV[0], # N (first cmd line argument)
    [1 .. $ARGV[1]] # Alphabet (number generated from second cmd line argument)

    printf("Found %d solutions\n", scalar @asolutions);

    sub generate {
    my ( $target_length, $alphabet, $head ) = @_;

    # Base Case our head is the right length
    return $head if (length ($head//'')) == $target_length;

    # General Case
    map { generate( $target_length, $alphabet, $_ ) }
    grep { ! /(.{2})\1/ }
    map { ($head // "") . $_ }

  8. peteatclueballdotcom said

    If you want it to exclude single-item adjacent sequences, you can change the {2} to a {1}

  9. Mika Moilanen said

    If you harden the problem a bit and try to avoid repeated permuations you get to abelian square free problem:
    An abelian square means a non-empty word uv, where u and v are permutations of each other For example, abccba contains repeate permuation of a,b, and c.

  10. Nat Gaertner said

    Another Python solution. Uses that you should only have to check that you’re not creating an adjacent sequence pair with each new addition.

    import sys
    N = int(sys.argv[1])
    def next(seq=(),seqs=set(),pair_idxs = {(1,2):None,(1,3):None,(2,1):None,(2,3):None,(3,1):None,(3,2):None}):
    if len(seq) == N:
    return seqs
    elif len(seq) == 0:
    for i in range(1,4):
    seqs = next(seq + (i,),seqs,pair_idxs)
    last = seq[-1]
    possibles = set([1,2,3])
    for i in possibles:
    prev_pos = pair_idxs[(last,i)]
    if prev_pos == None or test(seq,i,prev_pos):
    new_pi = dict(pair_idxs)
    new_pi[(last,i)] = len(seq)-1
    seqs = next(seq + (i,),seqs,new_pi)
    return seqs

    def test(seq, i, prev_pos):
    sub_new = seq[prev_pos+2:] + (i,)
    sub_prev = seq[:prev_pos+2][-len(sub_new):]
    return sub_new != sub_prev

    print next()

  11. Ben said

    how come some solutions don’t have the 3x and 2x sequences while some of the other solutions do?

    if you include the 3x and 2x sequences it looks like the length of the solution is generated by this sequence which is kinda cool:

  12. Mike said

    Simple recursive solution in Python 3.

    def gen(n, t=''):
        """yields sequences in lexicographic order."""
        if all(t[2*i:i] != t[i:] for i in range(-(len(t)//2), 0)):
            if n:
                for c in '123':
                    yield from gen(n - 1, t + c)
                yield t
    def wirth(n):
        """generates unique patterns as in the example solution."""
        return gen(n-2, '12'[:n])
  13. Here is a quick solution in Python 3

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    import re
    import itertools

    VALID_CHARS = ['1', '2', '3']

    def no_repetition(s):
    return'(.+)\1', s) == None

    def valid_strings(n):
    dictionary = (''.join(x) for x in itertools.product(VALID_CHARS, repeat=n))
    dictionary = filter(no_repetition, dictionary)
    for word in dictionary:

    def main():

    if __name__ == "__main__":

  14. jpverkamp said

    Here are up my usual solutions in Python and Racket: Generating non-repeating strings

    It’s just the brute force solutions for now, I think I’ll try to write up a smarter solution that bails out early tomorrow.

    That actually makes perfect sense. If you parse the jargon, ternary is base three (thus the alphabet A = {a, b, c}) and a squarefree word is one without any adjacent subwords. So exactly what the problem asks for.

    I think that yield from alone is just about enough for me to give Python 3.3+ another try over Python 2.7. That’s really helpful.

  15. Eric said

    My C recursive solution.

    #define FIRST_ELEMENT   '1'
    #define LAST_ELEMENT    '3'
    #define N               4
    void addElement(char element, int index, char *sequence)
        sequence[index] = element;
        if (++index == N)
            printf("%.*s\n", N, sequence);
            char nextElement;
            for (nextElement = FIRST_ELEMENT; nextElement <= LAST_ELEMENT; nextElement++)
                if (nextElement != element)
                    addElement(nextElement, index, sequence);
    int main()
        char element;
        char sequence[N];
        int index = 0;
        for (element = FIRST_ELEMENT; element <= LAST_ELEMENT; element++)
            addElement(element, index, sequence);
  16. Eric said

    Sorry, but I don’t think I got the problem definition right.

    Do the following also belong to a N=5 sequence?
    and also sequences starting with 2 and 3…

    My C recursive solution.

    #define FIRST_ELEMENT   '1'
    #define LAST_ELEMENT    '3'
    #define N               5
    void addElement(char element, int index, char *sequence)
        sequence[index] = element;
        if ((index < 3 || strncmp(sequence + index - 1, sequence + index - 3, 2))
                && (index < 5 || strncmp(sequence + index - 2, sequence + index - 5, 3)))
            if (++index == N)
                printf("%.*s\n", N, sequence);
                char nextElement;
                for (nextElement = FIRST_ELEMENT; nextElement <= LAST_ELEMENT; nextElement++)
                    if (nextElement != element)
                        addElement(nextElement, index, sequence);
    int main()
        char element;
        char sequence[N];
        int index = 0;
        for (element = FIRST_ELEMENT; element <= LAST_ELEMENT; element++)
            addElement(element, index, sequence);
  17. cosmin said

    A divide and conquer approach in Pyhton:

    def good_seq(a, b):
    	m, n = len(a), len(b)
    	c = a + b
    	for i in xrange(m):
    		for k in xrange(1 + (m-i)/2, 1 + (m+n-i)/2):
    			if c[i:i+k] == c[i+k:i+2*k]: return False
    	return True
    def wirth_seq(n):
    	if n == 1: return [[1], [2], [3]]
    	if n%2 == 0:
    		L = wirth_seq(n/2)
    		return [a+b for a in L for b in L if good_seq(a, b)]
    		L = wirth_seq(n-1)
    		return [a+[c] for a in L for c in [1, 2, 3] if good_seq(a, [c])]
    print len(wirth_seq(20))
  18. ardnew said

    not entirely sure what you mean by “statement separator” vs. “statement terminator”, but semicolons in pascal are used as statement delimiters in (almost) exactly the same way as C. the difference in pascal is that the final statement of a lexical block does not need to be terminated with a semicolon. the end of the block terminates the expression.

    also, similar to C, pascal does not require you use block delimiters “begin” and “end” (curly braces in C) for single-expression blocks.

    a good example demonstrating all of these behaviors is found in his print procedure:

    if m = N then begin print; change end
    else extend

    the call to “change” is not delimited with a semicolon because it is the last statement of the if-block. similarly, “extend” is not delimited with a semicolon because it is the last statement of the else-block. also, the else-block contains only a single expression, so the block delimiters “begin” and “end” are not used at all.

    for clarity, the above could be rewritten with the following equivalent:

    if m = N then 

    I personally find the lack of semicolons and block delimiters to be slightly confusing and more difficult to maintain. so, unlike Wirth, I choose to use them for all blocks and all expressions.

  19. sam said

    new to python/programming. First I created all the possible combinations. Then I test each one and return the valid ones. My results are in lists, but I’m sure could easily be changed to strings if that is ‘required’.

  20. sam said

    def wirth(n):

    chars = [a,b,c]
    validseq = []
    allseq = [[a],[b],[c]]

    while i < n-1: ##build all combinations of the 3 characters
    newseq = []
    for e in allseq:
    x = e+[a]
    y = e+[b]
    z = e+[c]
    allseq = newseq

    for e in allseq:
    testresult = testvalidity(e,n)
    if testresult:

    print validseq

    def testvalidity(e, n):

    while i < n:
    while j < min(i, n-i):
    if e[(i-1)-j:i] == e[i:i+j+1]:
    return None

    j += 1
    i += 1
    return e

  21. hamidj said

    My java solution here: (

    import java.math.BigInteger;
    public class Narcissistic_Number {
    	public static void main(String[] args) {
    		long begin = System.currentTimeMillis();
    		//will generate first n Narcissistic Numbers
    		long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
    		System.out.println("\nTotal execution time: "
                        + (end-begin)/1000 + "s");
    	public static void generate(int n){
            //n is number of Narcissistic to be generated
    		BigInteger i = BigInteger.valueOf(0);
    		int count = 0;
            //loop going from zero and checks if number is Narcissistic
    		while(count < n) {
    			if(isNarcissistic(i)  == true){
    				System.out.print(i + " ");
    			i = i.add(BigInteger.valueOf(1));
    	public static boolean isNarcissistic(BigInteger n){
    		String s = n.toString();
    		int len = s.length();
    		BigInteger sum = BigInteger.valueOf(0);
    		for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++){
    			sum = sum.add(BigInteger.valueOf((long) Math.pow(Character.getNumericValue(s.charAt(i)), len)));
    		return sum.equals(n);
  22. My Mathematica translation of Wirth’s algorithm:

    cubefree[n_Integer] := 
     Module[{print, extend, change, check, res = {}, s = Range[n], m = 2, 
        good = True},
       print[] := AppendTo[res, Take[s, m]];
       extend[] := s[[++m]] = 1;
       change[] := Module[{}, While[s[[m]] == 3, --m]; s[[m]]++];
       check[] := Module[{i, l, h = Floor[m/2]},
         good = True;
         For[l = 1, good && l <= h, l++,
          For[i = 0, i < l, i++, 
           If[s[[m - l - i]] != s[[m - i]], Break[]]];
          good = i < l]];
        Which[! good, change[], m < n, extend[], True, print[]; change[]];
        If[m == 2, Break[]]
        ]; res] /; n > 2
  23. Just wondering if anyone has tested for a max N? My program generates quote a few solutions (non unique) with N=21, but zero at 22. Has anyone else noticed this or is there a problem with my program? Thanks.

  24. programmingpraxis said

    If you follow the link from the exercise to codepad, and modify the script given there, you will find 691 solutions with n=22. Something is wrong with your program.

  25. wow no one came up with a C++ version ? ;(

  26. or even a C# version ?> im looking for a heuristic-algorithm to add its source to my code so that the heuristic function can be used

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