The Sum Of Two Squares

January 5, 2010

If you like to program math puzzles, you probably know about Project Euler; in fact, it was that site that inspired Programming Praxis. We don’t usually do math puzzles here, because Project Euler does them better, but the occasional math puzzle can be entertaining, and lead to some fun programming. Hence, today’s exercise.

Your task is to write a function that, given a number n, finds all pairs of numbers x and y, with xy ≥ 0, such that x² + y² = n; for instance, 50 = 7² + 1² = 5² + 5², 48612265 = 6972² + 59² = 6971² + 132² = …, and 999 has no solutions. When you are finished, you are welcome to read or run a suggested solution, or to post your own solution or discuss the exercise in the comments below.

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19 Responses to “The Sum Of Two Squares”

  1. kernelbob said

    I am not going to code a solution.. (It is five hours past my bedtime.)

    Instead, I’ll observe that x^2 + y^2 = n is the equation for a circle, and Bresenham’s circle algorithm is a pretty quick way to iterate through the possible solutions. It’s not entirely straightforward because n = r^2 and r will generally not be an integer. I think Bresenham’s assumes r is an integer.

  2. Jaime said

    I’ve implemented a somehow brute force approach, but it’s surprisingly fast…

    import math
    def two_squares(number):
        '''Return all the tuples of two numbers with the
        following properties:
        x >= y >= 0
        results = []
        #The Maximum number will be the square root of the number
        for y in xrange(int(math.sqrt(number))):
            #Check possible match
            x2 = number - y ** 2
            x = math.sqrt(x2)
            if y > x:
            if x == int(x):
                #Exact root
                results.append((int(x), y))
        return results
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        assert two_squares(50) == [(7, 1), (5, 5)]
        print two_squares(48612265)
        #print two_squares(4861226500)
        assert two_squares(999) == []
        assert two_squares(100) == [(10, 0), (8, 6)]
  3. […] Praxis – The Sum Of Two Squares By Remco Niemeijer In today’s Programming Praxis exercise we have to find all the ways a given number can be written as the sum […]

  4. Remco Niemeijer said

    My Haskell solution (see for a version with comments):

    squareSum :: Integer -> [(Integer, Integer)]
    squareSum n = b (ceiling . sqrt $ fromIntegral n) 0 where
        b x y = if x < y then [] else case compare (x*x + y*y) n of
                    LT -> b x (y + 1)
                    EQ -> (x, y) : b (x - 1) (y + 1)
                    GT -> b (x - 1) y
  5. Lautaro Pecile said
    import itertools
    from math import sqrt
    def sum_of_squares(n):
        lim = int(sqrt(n)) + 1
        l = itertools.product(xrange(lim), xrange(lim))
        return ((a, b) for a, b in l if (a >= b) and (a**2 + b**2 == n))
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        for x in sum_of_squares(50):
            print x
  6. Here’s my simple niave Haskell solution using two list comprehensions :-

    squares :: Integer -&gt; [(Integer, Integer)]
    squares n = [(x,y) | x &lt;- c, y &lt;- c, ((x * x) + (y * y) == n), x &lt;= y]   
      where c     = [i | i &lt;- [1..(isqrt n)]]
            isqrt = floor . sqrt . fromIntegral
  7. Sorry it’s the first time I’ve posted here so I don’t know how to get the nice formatted source listing.

  8. Jamie Hope said

    Here’s one which constructs a list of pairs (x, n-x*x) for x <- [0..sqrt(n/2)] and then filters out the elements in which n-x*x is not an integer.

    (import (rnrs)
            (only (srfi :1) list-tabulate))
    (define (squares n)
      (let ((sqrt-n/2 (sqrt (/ n 2))))
        (filter (lambda (pair) (exact? (cdr pair)))
                (list-tabulate (+ 1 (exact (floor sqrt-n/2)))
                               (lambda (i) (cons i (sqrt (- n (* i i)))))))))
  9. Jamie Hope said

    Hey, why didn’t sourcecode lang=”css” work?

  10. David Humphreys said

    Andrew: see
    Jamie: I think it should be language, not lang.

    A solution in Clojure. It works fine (but slowly) for large values. I’m sure there are more elegant ways of doing it.

    (ns Sum-of-Squares)
    (defmacro add-squares [x y] `(+ (* ~x ~x) (* ~y ~y)))
    (defn test-single-square [x y n result]
     (if (< x y)
      (let [sum (add-squares x y)]
        (< sum n)	#(test-single-square x (inc y) n result)
        (> sum n)	#(test-single-square (dec x) y n result)
        :else	#(test-single-square (dec x) (inc y) n (conj result [x y]))))))
    (defn #^{:test (fn []
     (let [check-values (fn [test-value]
      (assert (every?
       #(= test-value
        (add-squares (first %) (last %)))
        (find-squares test-value))))]
     (map check-values [1790119876545 10000798002 48612265 999 50])))}
     find-squares [n]
      (let [x (int (java.lang.Math/sqrt n)) y 0]
     (trampoline (test-single-square x y n []))))
    (test #'find-squares)
  11. programmingpraxis said

    Andrew, Jaime: I fixed your comments so the source code is properly formatted.

  12. Kevin said

    Here’s mine in C++…it’s somewhat bruteforce. If there are no solutions it wont give any output. Please, gimme some feedback! I’m a student that’s trying to practice/learn and get a better feel of C++. I wanna make it my goto language :D

    using namespace std;
    int main(void)
    int n, i=0;
    cout <> n;
    double temp_frac, a, b;
    a = pow(i,2);
    b = sqrt(n-a);
    if( a > n )
    else if( i > b )
    else if( modf(b, &temp_frac) == 0 )
    cout << i << " , " << b << endl;
    return 0;

  13. Kevin said

    OH CRAP I’m so sorry for being a noob. I JUST read the “Posting Source Code” page. So sorry!!

    using namespace std;
    int main(void)
    	int n, i=0;
    	cout << "Integer? ";
    	cin >> n;
    	double temp_frac, a, b;
    		a = pow(i,2);
    		b = sqrt(n-a);
    		if( a > n )
    		else if( i > b )
    		else if( modf(b, &temp_frac) == 0 )
    			cout << i << " , " << b << endl;
    	return 0;
  14. Jamie Hope said

    Oh, I see. It should be “language” and not “lang”. But the HOWTO page says “lang”:

    HOWTO: Posting Source Code

    Please fix, as I’ll probably forget this by the time I go to post source code again. Thanks!

  15. Jebb said

    I’ve tried to pay extra attention to the boundaries of both while loops, to avoid any unnecessary iteration. I’m not convinced it’s optimal, though: I don’t particularly like the “if (y > x) break;”.

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <math.h>
    int main()
        unsigned int n, x, y;
        printf("Enter the integer n:\n");
        scanf("%d", &n);
        x = sqrt(n);
        while (x-- > sqrt(n / 2)) {
            y = sqrt(n - x * x); 
            while (x * x + y * y <= n) {
                if (y > x)
                if (x * x + y * y == n)
                    printf("%d %d\n", x, y); 
        return 0;
  16. Mike said

    Here is a solution that only uses adds and multiply by 2 (could use a shift).

    def sumofsquares(n):
        '''Generate (x,y) pairs, where x*x + y*y == n and x >= y >= 0.
        Find max x, such that x*x <= n.  Then loop, comparing y*y + x*x to n.
        If the sum is too small, increment y; if too big, decrement x.
        x, y, sos = 0, 0, 0
        while sos < n:
            sos += 2*x + 1
            x += 1
        while x >= y:
            if sos < n:
                sos += 2*y + 1
                y += 1
            elif sos > n:
                sos -= 2*x - 1
                x -= 1
                yield x,y
                sos += 2*( y -x + 1 )
                y += 1
                x -= 1
  17. Mike said

    Because x >= y, decrementing x always causes a bigger change in the sum than incrementing y. So the loop in the my routine above can be shortened to:

    def sumofsquares(n):
    ”’Generate (x,y) pairs, where x*x + y*y == n and x >= y >= 0.

    Find max x, such that x*x <= n. Then loop, comparing y*y + x*x to n.
    If the sum is too small, increment y; if too big, decrement x.

    "sos" is the sum of the squares.

    x, y, sos = 0, 0, 0
    while sos = y:
    while sos < n:
    sos += 2*y + 1
    y += 1

    if sos == n:
    yield x,y

    sos -= 2*x – 1
    x -= 1

  18. Hey guys. Was looking at this code for an example. Ended up moving on but not before porting one of the functions over to PHP. Hope someone can use eventually.

    function squares($n) {
    	$pairs = array();
    	$x = sqrt($n);
    	while ( $x-- > sqrt($n / 2) ) {
    		$y = sqrt($n - $x * $x);
    		while ($x * $x + $y * $y <= $n) {
    			if ($y > $x)
    			if ($x * $x + $y * $y == $n)
    				array_push($pairs, array($x, $y));
    	echo sprintf("%d -- Pairs: %d\r\n", $n, count($pairs));
  19. Drake said

    At the end of the chapter Dijkstra includes this: “Note. Obvious improvements, such as testing whether r mod 4 =3, and exploiting
    the recurrence relation (x+1)^2 = x^2 + (2x +1) are left as exercises.”

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