
January 14, 2011

We played Hamurabi in a previous exercise. Today we will play the slot machines, using a version of the game from the same source as Hamurabi. Playing instructions and source code appear on the original pages or our copies.

Your task is to recreate the BASIC game. When you are finished, you are welcome to read or run a suggested solution, or to post your own solution or discuss the exercise in the comments below.

Pages: 1 2 3 4

6 Responses to “Slots”

  1. […] today’s Programming Praxis exercise, our goal is to create a game that simulates a slot machine. […]

  2. My Haskell solution (see for a version with comments):

    import Control.Monad
    import Data.List
    import System.Random
    import Text.Printf
    import Text.Read.HT
    pull :: Int -> IO Int
    pull n = do ws <- replicateM 3 $ randomRIO (0,5)
                putStrLn . unwords $ map (wheel !!) ws
                result . group $ sort ws where
        wheel = words "BAR BELL ORANGE LEMON PLUM CHERRY"                
        result [[0,0,0]] = win "JACKPOT" 101
        result [_]       = win "TOP DOLLAR" 11
        result [[0,0],_] = win "DOUBLE BAR" 6
        result [_,_]     = win "DOUBLE" 3
        result _         = printf "YOU LOSE $%d\n" n >> return (-n)
        win msg d = printf "***%s***\nYOU WIN $%d\n" msg (n*d) >> return (n*d)
    prompt :: IO Int
    prompt = do putStr "ENTER YOUR BET: "
                maybe prompt check . maybeRead =<< getLine where
        check bet | bet < 0   = prompt
                  | bet > 100 = putStrLn "HOUSE LIMIT $100" >> prompt
                  | otherwise = return bet
    main :: IO ()
    main = instructions >> loop 0 where
        instructions = putStrLn "WELCOME TO THE CASINO\n\
            \BET IN INCREMENTS OF $1 FROM $1 TO $100\n\
            \BET $0 WHEN YOU ARE FINISHED"
        loop purse = prompt >>= \bet -> if bet == 0 then quit purse
            else fmap (+ purse) (pull bet) >>= \n -> status n >> loop n
        status n | n > 0     = printf "YOU HAVE $%d\n" n
                 | n < 0     = printf "YOU OWE $%d\n" (-n)
                 | otherwise = putStrLn "YOU ARE EVEN"
        quit total | total > 0 = printf "COLLECT $%d FROM THE CASHIER\n" total
                   | total < 0 = printf "PLACE $%d ON THE KEYBOARD\n" (-total)
                   | otherwise = putStrLn "YOU BROKE EVEN"
  3. Graham said

    My Python solution. Like the Haskell above, I factored out the _win
    procedure. I'm not terribly happy with the maze of ifs and elifs my code grew
    into, but it'll do.

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    from random import randrange

    def display_instructions():
    print "BET IN INCREMENTS OF $1 FROM $1 TO $100"

    def pull(n):

    def _win(msg, d):
    print "***{0}***".format(msg)
    print "YOU WIN ${0}".format(n * d)
    return n * d

    x, y, z = randrange(6), randrange(6), randrange(6)
    print WHEEL[x], WHEEL[y], WHEEL[z]
    if x == y == z == 0:
    return _win("JACKPOT", 101)
    elif x == y == z:
    return _win("TOP DOLLAR", 11)
    elif x == y == 0 or x == z == 0 or y == z == 0:
    return _win("DOUBLE BAR", 6)
    elif x == y or x == z or y == z:
    return _win("DOUBLE", 3)
    print "YOU LOSE ${0}".format(n)
    return -n

    def play():
    bet, purse = 1, 0
    while bet != 0:
    bet = raw_input("ENTER YOUR BET:\t")
    bet = int(bet)
    except ValueError:
    if bet > 100:
    print "HOUSE LIMIT $100"
    elif 1 <= bet <= 100:
    purse += pull(bet)
    if purse > 0:
    print "YOU HAVE ${0}".format(purse)
    elif purse < 0:
    print "YOU OWE ${0}".format(-purse)
    print "YOU ARE EVEN"
    if purse < 0:
    print "PLACE ${0} ON THE KEYBOARD".format(-purse)
    elif purse > 0:
    print "COLLECT ${0} FROM THE CASHIER".format(purse)
    print "YOU BROKE EVEN"

    if __name__ == "__main__":

  4. Graham said

    Oh no! I had a couple typos (messed up closing the code tag, and extra ” in ) in the comment above. Apologies!

  5. uberlazy said

    Waddling through old code is fun, but I feel this exercise isn’t all it could have been. Slot machines are based on interesting statistical models that keep the game addictive while ensuring the House wins. In that vein, I modified the original task and created a weighted slot machine. I know it doesn’t earn me brownie points, but I hope someone finds it interesting or fun.

    I also took the betting out of it so I can just hit the spin key mindlessly, like on a real machine :)

  6. uberlazy said

    … incidentally, selecting a random wheel stop is a variant of the algorithm for selecting fortunes from the exercise #192.

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