
October 4, 2011

In 1993, Urban Müller invented the brainfuck programming language, which is a simple-minded programming language, similar to a Turing machine, with a very terse syntax. The data store consists of 30000 cells, each a single byte initialized to 0; a data pointer points to one of the cells. Programs consist of the eight characters +-.,[] with the following meanings:

< move the data pointer one cell left
> move the data pointer one cell right
+ increment the cell at the current data pointer
- decrement the cell at the current data pointer
. output the cell at the current data pointer as a character
, input the next character to the cell at the current data pointer
[ if the cell at the current data pointer is zero, move the instruction pointer to the matching ]
] move the instruction pointer to the matching [

The brainfuck interpreter runs through a program performing each instruction as it appears, ignoring all characters other then +-.,[], advancing the instruction pointer after each instruction (including after [ and ]); a program halts by running off its end. Here’s a sample brainfuck program, which prints “Hello World!” when it is run; additional sample programs appear on the next page:


Your task is to write a brainfuck interpreter. When you are finished, you are welcome to read or run a suggested solution, or to post your own solution or discuss the exercise in the comments below.

Pages: 1 2 3

16 Responses to “Brainfuck”

  1. Paul Hofstra said

    It looks like that the above brainfuck code is slightly wrong. It should be:
    You replaced <<<< by >>. The correct code is on page 2.

  2. Paul Hofstra said

    My last post does not print well. For the correct code see

  3. Axio said

    I think this works.
    This was my first prolog program…

    % Everyone a depth further!
    inc_dist([N|XS],[M|RS]) :- M is N+1, inc_dist(XS,RS).
    dec_dist([N|XS],[M|RS]) :- M is N-1, dec_dist(XS,RS).
    %% First, BF without loops, input, outputs.
    % No more command
    bf_exec([], L,H,R,_S,_T) :- reverse(L,M), append(M,[H|[]],X), append(X,R,Res), print(Res).
    %% Move to the right
    % Create a new cell with a 0 in it
    bf_exec([right|N], L, H, [],S,T) :- inc_dist(T,T2), bf_exec(N,[H|L],0,[],[right|S],T2).
    bf_exec([right|N], L, H, [X|XS],S,T) :- inc_dist(T,T2), bf_exec(N,[H|L],X,XS,[right|S],T2).
    % Move to the left
    % Create a new cell with a 0 in it
    bf_exec([left|N], [], H, R, S, T) :- inc_dist(T,T2), bf_exec(N,[],0,[H|R],[left|S],T2).
    bf_exec([left|N], [X|XS], H, R, S, T) :- inc_dist(T,T2), bf_exec(N,XS,X,[H|R],[left|S],T2).
    % Increment
    bf_exec([incr|N], L, H, R,S,T) :- inc_dist(T,T2), M is H+1, bf_exec(N,L,M,R,[incr|S],T2).
    % Decrement
    bf_exec([decr|N], L, H, R,S,T) :- inc_dist(T,T2), M is H-1, bf_exec(N,L,M,R,[decr|S],T2).
    %% Now with I/O
    % Input
    bf_exec([input|N], L, _H, R, S, T) :- inc_dist(T,T2), get_char(O), char_code(O,C), bf_exec(N, L, C, R,[input|S],T2).
    % Output
    bf_exec([output|N], L, H, R, S, T) :- inc_dist(T,T2), char_code(O,H), print(O), bf_exec(N, L, H, R,[output|S],T2).
    %% And now loops
    % Push a new loop handler
    bf_exec([startloop|N], L, H, R,S,T) :- inc_dist(T,T2), bf_exec(N, L, H, R,[startloop|S],[1|T2]).
    % End loop
    % Pop off the handler
    bf_exec([endloop|N], L, 0, R,S,[Top|Rest]) :- inc_dist([Top|Rest],[_Tap|NewRest]),
                                                  bf_exec(N, L, 0, R, [endloop|S],NewRest).
    % Rewind, restart
    bf_exec([endloop|N], L, H, R,S,T) :- bf_exec([rewind,endloop|N],L,H,R,S,T).
    % Reach loopstart.
    % Restart, No need to reset the handler.
    bf_exec([rewind|CL], L, H, R,[startloop|CS],[1|Rest]) :- bf_exec(CL,L,H,R,[startloop|CS],[1|Rest]).
    % Move back!
    bf_exec([rewind|CL], L, H, R,[X|XS],T) :- dec_dist(T,T2), bf_exec([rewind,X|CL],L,H,R,XS,T2).
    bf_eval(X) :- bf_exec(X,[],0,[],[],[]), !.
    % Hello World
    % bf_eval([incr,incr,incr,incr,incr,incr,incr,incr,incr,incr,startloop,right,incr,incr,incr,incr,incr,incr,incr,right,incr,incr,incr,incr,incr,incr,incr,incr,incr,incr,right,incr,incr,incr,right,incr,left,left,left,left,decr,endloop,right,incr,incr,output,right,incr,output,incr,incr,incr,incr,incr,incr,incr,output,output,incr,incr,incr,output,right,incr,incr,output,left,left,incr,incr,incr,incr,incr,incr,incr,incr,incr,incr,incr,incr,incr,incr,incr,output,right,output,incr,incr,incr,output,decr,decr,decr,decr,decr,decr,output,decr,decr,decr,decr,decr,decr,decr,decr,output,right,incr,output,right,output]).
  4. Paul Hofstra said

    This works on the Hello World! program.

    def parse(txt):
        data = [0] * 30000
        ptr = 0
        pos = 0
        output = []
        while pos < len(txt):
            c = txt[pos]
            if c == '<':    ptr -= 1
            elif c == '>':  ptr += 1
            elif c == '+':  data[ptr] += 1
            elif c == '-':  data[ptr] -= 1
            elif c == '.':  output.append(chr(data[ptr]))
            elif c == ',':
                    data[ptr] = ord(txt[pos+1])
                    pos += 1
                except IndexError:
                    data[ptr] = '\0'
            elif c == "[" and data[ptr] == 0:
                pos = txt.find("]", pos)
            elif c == "]":
                pos = txt.rfind("[", 0, pos) - 1
            pos += 1
  5. programmingpraxis said

    Paul: Fixed. Thanks.

  6. Paul Hofstra said

    My earlier code did not work for nested loops. This code is slow, but it works. It is better to compile the function for speed.

    NUMBER_CELLS = 30000
    class BrainFuckException(Exception): pass
    def parse(txt, afile=None):
            data = [0] * NUMBER_CELLS
            ptr = 0
            pos = 0
            output = []
            while pos < len(txt):
                c = txt[pos]
                if c == '<':    ptr -= 1
                elif c == '>':  ptr += 1
                elif c == '+':  data[ptr] += 1
                elif c == '-':  data[ptr] -= 1
                elif c == '.':  output.append(chr(data[ptr]))
                elif c == ',':
                    data[ptr] = ord( or '\0')
                elif c == "[" and data[ptr] == 0:
                    openbracket = 1
                    while pos < len(txt) - 1:
                        pos += 1
                        openbracket += txt[pos] == '['
                        openbracket -= txt[pos] == ']'
                        if openbracket == 0:
                        raise BrainFuckException("unmatched close brace")
                elif c == "]":
                    closebracket = 1
                    while pos > 1:
                        pos -= 1
                        closebracket += txt[pos] == ']'
                        closebracket -= txt[pos] == '['
                        if closebracket == 0:
                        raise BrainFuckException("unmatched open brace")
                    pos -= 1
                pos += 1
                assert 0 <= ptr < NUMBER_CELLS, "ptr=%d" % (ptr)
  7. […] today’s Programming Praxis exercise, our goal is to implement a Brainfuck interpreter. Let’s get […]

  8. My Haskell solution (see for a version with comments):

    import Data.List.Zipper
    run :: String -> IO String
    run = fmap toList . flip step (fromList $ replicate 30000 '\NUL') . fromList
    step :: Zipper Char -> Zipper Char -> IO (Zipper Char)
    step prog s = if endp prog then return s else
                  uncurry step =<< instruction (cursor prog) prog s
    instruction :: Char -> Zipper Char -> Zipper Char -> IO (Zipper Char, Zipper Char)
    instruction '<' prog s = return (right prog, left s)
    instruction '>' prog s = return (right prog, right s)
    instruction '+' prog s = return (right prog, replace (succ $ cursor s) s)
    instruction '-' prog s = return (right prog, replace (pred $ cursor s) s)
    instruction '.' prog s = putStr [cursor s] >> return (right prog, s)
    instruction ',' prog s = fmap ((,) (right prog) . flip replace s) getChar
    instruction '[' prog s = return $ (if cursor s == '\NUL' then
                                 right $ move right '[' ']' prog else right prog, s)
    instruction ']' prog s = return (move left ']' '[' prog, s)
    instruction _   prog s = return (right prog, s)
    move :: (Zipper Char -> Zipper Char) -> Char -> Char -> Zipper Char -> Zipper Char
    move dir open close = f 0 . dir where
        f 0 z | cursor z == close = z
        f n z = f (if cursor z == open  then n + 1 else
                   if cursor z == close then n - 1 else n) $ dir z
  9. Mike said

    Here’s my python 3 version. It is essentially the same as other’s above.

    A minor optimization is to implement looping using a loop stack. When ‘[‘ is encountered, ip (the instruction pointer)
    is pushed on the loop stack (ls)(at this point ip points to the instruction after the ‘[‘). When a ‘]’ is encounterd,
    d[dp] is tested. If d[dp] is non-zero a jump to the top of the loop is done by loading ip from the top of the loop stack.
    If d[dp] is zero, the loop stack is popped and execution continues after the ‘]’.

    import sys
    def bf(source):
        d  = [0]*30000
        dp = 0
        ip = 0
        ls = []
        while 0 <= ip < len(source):
            inst = source[ip]
            ip += 1
            if   inst in '<>':
                dp += 1 if inst == '>' else -1
            elif inst in '+-':
                d[dp] += 1 if inst == '+' else -1
            elif inst == '.':
            elif inst == ',':
                d[dp] = ord(
            elif inst == '[':
                if not d[dp]:
                    nest = 0
                    while source[ip] != ']' or nest:
                        if source[ip] == '[': nest += 1
                        elif source[ip] == ']': nest -= 1
                        ip += 1
            elif inst == ']':
                if d[dp]:
                    ip = ls[-1]
  10. Mike said

    Just because, here is a bf-to-python cross-compiler.
    It optimizes runs of ‘+’, ‘-‘, ” to single statements. E.g., ‘+++’ is translated to ‘d[dp] += 3’.

    import re
    import sys
    def bf2py(source):
        d  = [0]*30000
        dp = 0
        ip = 0
        indent = 0
        fmt = "{0:>{1}}{2}{3}".format
        src = []
        code = re.sub(r"[^][<>.,+-]", '', source)
        for tok in re.findall(r"(\++|-+|<+|>+|,+|[].[])", code):
            if tok[0] == '>':
                src.append(fmt('', indent, "dp +=", len(tok)))
            elif tok[0] == '<':
                src.append(fmt('', indent, "dp -=", len(tok)))
            elif tok[0] == '+':
                src.append(fmt('', indent, "d[dp] +=", len(tok)))
            elif tok[0] == '-':
                src.append(fmt('', indent, "d[dp] -=", len(tok)))
            elif tok[0] == '.':
                src.append(fmt('', indent, "sys.stdout.write(chr(d[dp]))", ' ' ))
            elif tok[0] == ',':
                src.append(fmt('', indent, "d[dp] = ord(", ' '))
            elif tok[0] == '[':
                src.append(fmt('', indent, "while d[dp]:", ' '))
                indent += 2
            elif tok[0] == ']':
                indent -= 2
  11. Axio said

    Well, a loop is just a subroutine, so getting in/out of it should be handled by the evaluator.
    Parse the string into a tree, then eval the tree. Loops are then just subtrees that need to be evaluated before we can continue.

    (define (parse str)
      (let ((len (string-length str))
            (i 0))
        (define (aux)
          (if (= i len)
            (case (string-ref str i)
              ((#\[ ) (incr i)
                      (let ((res (aux)))
                        (cons res (aux))))
              ((#\]) (incr i)
                (let ((c (string-ref str i)))
                  (incr i)
                  (if (member c (string->list "><+-.,[]"))
                    (cons c (aux))
    (define (bf-eval str)
      (let ((*tape* (make-table test: =))
            (*tc* 0)
            (l (parse str)))
        (define (aux l)
          (when (not (null? l))
            (case (car l)
              ((#\>) (incr *tc*)
                     (aux (cdr l)))
              ((#\<) (decr *tc*)
                     (aux (cdr l)))
              ((#\+) (table-set! *tape* *tc* (1+ (table-ref *tape* *tc* 0)))
                     (aux (cdr l)))
              ((#\-) (table-set! *tape* *tc* (1- (table-ref *tape* *tc* 0)))
                     (aux (cdr l)))
              ((#\.) (display (integer->char (table-ref *tape* *tc* 0)))
                     (aux (cdr l)))
              ((#\,) (table-set! *tape* *tc* (char->integer (string-ref (read-line) 0)))
                     (aux (cdr l)))
              (else ;; it's a loop, with more body 
                (if (zero? (table-ref *tape* *tc* 0))
                  ;; next
                  (aux (cdr l))
                  ;; body, and then self again
                  (begin (aux (car l))
                         (aux l)))))))
        (pp l)
        (aux l)
        ;(table->list *tape*)
  12. DGel said

    My slightly larger than necessary version. Note that I got the idea of using a loop stack from Mike, my first idea was similar to Paul Hofstra’s first answer, and wouldn’t have worked properly.

    func parse_bf(raw_instr []byte) {
    	re, err := regexp.Compile(`[^<>\+\-\,\.\[\]]`)
    	if err != nil {
    		fmt.Println("couldn't compile regexp:", err)
    	instr := re.ReplaceAll(raw_instr, []byte(""))
    	dp := 0
    	ip := 0
    	var loopstack vector.IntVector
    	data := make([]byte, 30000)
    	in_out := make([]byte, 1)
    	for ip < len(instr) {
    		switch instr[ip] {
    			case '+':
    				if dp >= 0 && dp < 30000 {
    				} else {
    					fmt.Println("Error: data pointer outside memory:", dp)
    			case '-':
    				if dp >= 0 && dp < 30000 {
    				} else {
    					fmt.Println("Error: data pointer outside memory:", dp)
    			case '>':
    			case '<':
    			case '[':
    				if data[dp] == 0 {
    					nestLevel := 1
    					for nestLevel > 0 {
    						if instr[ip] == '[' {nestLevel++}
    						if instr[ip] == ']' {nestLevel--}
    					ip-- // ensure the loop gets popped
    			case ']':
    				if (data[dp] > 0) {
    					ip = loopstack.Last()
    				} else {
    					if len(loopstack) > 0 {
    					} else {
    						fmt.Println("Error: unmatched close loop statement")
    			case '.':
    				in_out[0] = data[dp]
    				_, err := os.Stdout.Write(in_out)
    				if err != nil {fmt.Println("Error: can't write do stdout: ", err); return}
    			case ',':
    				_, err := os.Stdin.Read(in_out)
    				if err != nil {fmt.Println("Error: can't read from stdin: ", err); return}
    				data[dp] = in_out[0]
  13. ecc said

    (* Brainfuck “compiler” in OCaml *)

    let src = open_in Sys.argv.(1)

    let right (f, i) = f, i + 1
    let left (f, i) = f, i – 1

    let set f i x j = if j = i then x else f j

    let inc (f, i) = set f i (f i + 1), i
    let dec (f, i) = set f i (f i – 1), i
    let inp (f, i) = set f i (try input_byte stdin with End_of_file -> 0), i

    let cur (f, i) = f i

    let out s = output_byte stdout (cur s); s
    let rec loop p s = if cur s 0 then loop p (p s) else s

    let id x = x

    let (>>) f g x = g (f x)

    let rec compile () =
    let emit q = q >> compile () in
    try match (input_char src) with
    | ‘>’ -> emit right
    | ‘ emit left
    | ‘+’ -> emit inc
    | ‘-‘ -> emit dec
    | ‘.’ -> emit out
    | ‘,’ -> emit inp
    | ‘[‘ -> emit (loop (compile ()))
    | ‘]’ -> id
    | _ -> compile ()
    with End_of_file -> id

    let const c x = c

    let _ = (compile ()) (const 0, 0)

  14. slabounty said

    In ruby (I believe it handles everything) …

    def bf_parse(program)
        data =, 0)
        data_pointer = 0
        program_pointer = 0
        program_array = program.split(//)
        output = ""
        while program_pointer < program.size do 
            c = program_array[program_pointer]
            case c
            when '<'
                # < move the data pointer one cell left
                data_pointer -= 1
            when '>'
                # > move the data pointer one cell right
                data_pointer += 1
            when '+'
                # + increment the cell at the current data pointer
                data[data_pointer] += 1
            when '-'
                # - decrement the cell at the current data pointer
                data[data_pointer] -= 1
            when '.'
                # . output the cell at the current data pointer as a character
                output << data[data_pointer]
            when ','
                # , input the next character to the cell at the current data pointer
                c = STDIN.getc
                data[data_pointer] = c.ord if c != nil
            when '['
                # [ if the cell at the current data pointer is zero, move the instruction pointer to the matching ]
                if data[data_pointer] == 0 then
                    bracket_count = 1
                    while program_pointer < program.size do 
                        program_pointer +=1
                        case program_array[program_pointer]
                        when '['
                            bracket_count += 1
                        when ']'
                            bracket_count -= 1
                        break if bracket_count == 0
            when ']'
                # ] move the instruction pointer to the matching [
                bracket_count = -1
                while program_pointer < program.size do 
                    program_pointer -=1
                    case program_array[program_pointer]
                    when '['
                        bracket_count += 1
                    when ']'
                        bracket_count -= 1
                    break if bracket_count == 0
                program_pointer -=1
                puts "Illegal BrainFuck character in program #{c}"
            program_pointer += 1
  15. sealfin said

    October 4th, 2011.cpp:

    #include "seal_stack.h" /* <> */
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    char *g_nameOfFile;
    FILE *g_file = NULL;
    struct t_Instruction
      char m_instruction;
      size_t m_indexOfInstructionToJumpTo;
    struct t_Instruction *g_instructions = NULL;
    //#define M_DataStoreBytesAreSigned
    #ifdef M_DataStoreBytesAreSigned
    char t_DataStoreByte;
    //#define M_DataPointerWrapsAround
    void p_CleanUp( void );
    void p_CleanUp( void )
      #ifdef __MWERKS__
      free( g_nameOfFile );
      if( g_file != NULL )
        fclose( g_file );
      if( g_instructions != NULL )
        free( g_instructions );
    char *f_ReadStringFromFile( FILE * const p );
    char *f_ReadStringFromFile( FILE * const p )
      char c, *s = ( char* )malloc( sizeof( char ));
      size_t s_length = 1;
      while(( fscanf( p, "%c", &c ) != EOF ) && ( c != '\n' ))
        s[ s_length - 1 ] = c;
        s_length ++;
        s = ( char* )realloc( s, sizeof( char ) * s_length );
      s[ s_length - 1 ] = '\0';
      return s;
    bool f_CharacterIsInSet( const char p_character, const char * const p_set );
    bool f_CharacterIsInSet( const char p_character, const char * const p_set )
      size_t i = 0;
      for( ; i < strlen( p_set ); i ++ )
        if( p_character == p_set[ i ] )
          return true;
      return false;
    int main( const int argc, const char * const argv[] )
      bool error_occurred;
      atexit( p_CleanUp );
      #ifndef __MWERKS__
      error_occurred = argc != 2;
      if( !error_occurred )
        g_nameOfFile = ( char* )argv[ 1 ];
        g_file = fopen( g_nameOfFile, "r" );
        if( g_file == NULL )
          error_occurred = true;
      if( error_occurred )
        fprintf( stderr, "\nThis program must be passed, via the command line, the path to a brainfuck source code file, which this program will then interpret.\n\n" );
        exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
        printf( "Please enter the name of a brainfuck source code file, which must be in the same folder as this program, which this program will then interpret.\n" );
        printf( "\nYour input: " );
        g_nameOfFile = f_ReadStringFromFile( stdin );
        g_file = fopen( g_nameOfFile, "r" );
        error_occurred = g_file == NULL;
        if( error_occurred )
          printf( "\nSorry, an error occurred: there is no brainfuck source code file named \"%s\" in the same folder as this program.\n", g_nameOfFile );
          free( g_nameOfFile );
          printf( "\nPlease press the Return key to try again." );
          free( f_ReadStringFromFile( stdin ));
          printf( "\n" );
      while( error_occurred );
      char c;
      size_t number_of_instructions = 0;
      seal_Stack<size_t> indices_of_instructions_to_jump_to;
      FILE * const fileToPrintErrorMessagesTo = 
      #ifdef __MWERKS__
      const char * const k_ExitMessage = 
      #ifdef __MWERKS__
      "\nThis program will now quit."
      while( fscanf( g_file, "%c", &c ) != EOF )
        if( f_CharacterIsInSet( c, "<>+-.,[]" ))
          number_of_instructions ++;
          if( number_of_instructions == 1 )
            g_instructions = ( struct t_Instruction* )malloc( sizeof( struct t_Instruction ));
            g_instructions = ( struct t_Instruction* )realloc( g_instructions, sizeof( struct t_Instruction ) * number_of_instructions );
          g_instructions[ number_of_instructions - 1 ].m_instruction = c;
          if( c == '[' )
            indices_of_instructions_to_jump_to.p_Push( number_of_instructions - 1 );
            if( c == ']' )
              if( !indices_of_instructions_to_jump_to.f_IsEmpty())
                const size_t index_of_instruction_to_jump_to = indices_of_instructions_to_jump_to.f_Pop();
                g_instructions[ index_of_instruction_to_jump_to ].m_indexOfInstructionToJumpTo = number_of_instructions - 1;
                g_instructions[ number_of_instructions - 1 ].m_indexOfInstructionToJumpTo = index_of_instruction_to_jump_to;
                fprintf( fileToPrintErrorMessagesTo, "\nSorry, an error occurred: an unmatched unconditional jump instruction (']') was encountered in the brainfuck source code file named \"%s\".\n%s\n", g_nameOfFile, k_ExitMessage );
                exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
      if( !indices_of_instructions_to_jump_to.f_IsEmpty())
        fprintf( fileToPrintErrorMessagesTo, "\nSorry, an error occurred: an unmatched conditional jump instruction ('[') was encountered in the brainfuck source code file named \"%s\".\n%s\n", g_nameOfFile, k_ExitMessage );
        exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
      fclose( g_file );
      g_file = NULL;
      signed long long data_pointer = 0;
      const size_t k_LengthOfDataStore = 30000;
      t_DataStoreByte data_store[ k_LengthOfDataStore ];
      size_t instruction_pointer = 0;
      for( ; data_pointer < k_LengthOfDataStore; data_pointer ++ )
        data_store[ data_pointer ] = 0;
      data_pointer = 0;
      for( ; instruction_pointer < number_of_instructions; instruction_pointer ++ )
        switch( g_instructions[ instruction_pointer ].m_instruction )
          case '<':
            data_pointer --;
            if( data_pointer < 0 )
              #ifdef M_DataPointerWrapsAround
              data_pointer = k_LengthOfDataStore - 1;
              fprintf( fileToPrintErrorMessagesTo, "\nSorry, an error occurred: the data pointer was decremented beyond the left-most end of the data store whilst interpreting the brainfuck source code file named \"%s\".\n%s\n", g_nameOfFile, k_ExitMessage );
              exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
          case '>':
            data_pointer ++;
            if( data_pointer >= k_LengthOfDataStore )
              #ifdef M_DataPointerWrapsAround
              data_pointer = 0;
              fprintf( fileToPrintErrorMessagesTo, "\nSorry, an error occurred: the data pointer was incremented beyond the right-most end of the data store whilst interpreting the brainfuck source code file named \"%s\".\n%s\n", g_nameOfFile, k_ExitMessage );
              exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
          case '+':
            data_store[ data_pointer ] ++;
          case '-':
            data_store[ data_pointer ] --;
          case '.':
            printf( "%c", data_store[ data_pointer ] );
          case ',':
            scanf( "%c", &data_store[ data_pointer ] );
          case '[':
            if( data_store[ data_pointer ] == 0 )
              instruction_pointer = g_instructions[ instruction_pointer ].m_indexOfInstructionToJumpTo;
          case ']':
            instruction_pointer = g_instructions[ instruction_pointer ].m_indexOfInstructionToJumpTo - 1;
      printf( "%s\n", k_ExitMessage );
      exit( EXIT_SUCCESS );

    The interpreter is known to run on an Apple Power Mac G4 (AGP Graphics) (450MHz processor, 1GB memory) on both Mac OS 9.2.2 (International English) (the program interpreted using Leonardo IDE 3.4.1) and Mac OS X 10.4.11 (the program compiled using Xcode 2.2.1).

    The description of the problem fails to specify whether the bytes of the data store are unsigned or signed; therefore, I’ve provided the option to specify, when compiling the interpreter, whether the bytes of the data store are unsigned (by leaving line 17 commented out) or signed (by reinstating the aforementioned line).

    Similarly, the description of the problem fails to specify the behaviour of the interpreter if the data pointer is decremented beyond the leftmost- or incremented beyond the rightmost- end of the data store; therefore, I’ve provided the option to specify, when compiling the interpreter, whether the interpreter quits with an error message (by leaving line 27 commented out) or whether the data pointer “wraps around” to the opposite end of the data store (by reinstating the aforementioned line).

    The description of the problem specifies that the instruction pointer is incremented after unconditional jump (‘]’) instructions; this is incorrect, as if the instruction pointer were to be incremented after unconditional jump instructions the conditional jump instructions (‘[’) jumped to would not be evaluated and any loop entered would never be exited.

    (I’ve just completed a gig at London South Bank University and so I’m again just trying to solve the problems posed by this ‘site whilst I try to get a job (and I’ve solved this problem in particular to test my seal_Stack template class I might use in the fourth version of my SDL2 joystick interrogator utility); I’m well-aware that my solutions are far from the best – but, in my defence, I don’t have any traditional qualifications in computer science :/ )

  16. sealfin said

    sigh * Where I wrote

    (the program interpreted using Leonardo IDE 3.4.1)

    I meant to write

    (the program compiled using Metrowerks CodeWarrior IDE 2.1 (Discover Programming Edition))

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